“You may take and keep as many as you wish.” Fitzwilliam’s generous statement inspired my smile to widen.
Mr. Wood inched nearer to me. “I have also read Madame de Staël’s novel. Did you enjoy the book?”
“Yes, I found the story both entertaining and poignant—an informative guide to Italy combined with a suitably tragic romance.”
“That is an apt description.” He glanced at Fitzwilliam. “My cousin’s house is elegant in every way, but I found the library to be the most impressive room.”
“I agree.”
To the right of me, Mrs. Perry whispered in my sister’s ear several times. Meanwhile, Lydia kept a close watch on Mr. Wood. She appeared to be smitten.
At one point, Lydia stood and took a step towards the vacant chair next to Mr. Wood, but a terse admonition from Mrs. Perry thwarted her, and she retook her former seat. My uncle returned home from his warehouse within fifteen minutes of the guests’ arrival.
At dinner, my aunt placed me between Mr. Darcy and my uncle. Throughout the meal, Lydia continued to incline forwards for glimpses of Mr. Wood, seated on the other side of Mrs. Perry.
After passing the basket of rolls to my uncle, I shifted closer to Fitzwilliam. “I apologise for Lydia’s behaviour tonight, and I hope Mr. Wood will not be discomfited by her. It is clear she is not ready for even a small dinner with friends.”
“Pray, do not be concerned. She will improve in time.” In an unobtrusive movement, he placed his hand atop mine for a moment, providing a tingling warmth.
With a muted sigh, I revelled in this bit of covert closeness even as I lamented its brevity. Despite my affection for those assembled around the table, I yearned for time alone with Fitzwilliam.
My sight flitted to Mr. Wood, who conversed with Mrs. Perry, and I swayed near Fitzwilliam again. “How has it been thus far to have your…cousin at home?”
“Having Miles with us has been better than I could have predicted. I felt an extraordinary sense of kinship with him from our first meeting.”
I grinned at him. “That is splendid. I am delighted to hear it.”
“Georgiana, as well, is already at ease in his company.”
“Yes, I noticed her comfortable manner with him.” I sent a fond look to Miss Darcy, seated across the table.
“Last night, I took Miles to my club and introduced him to a handful of the members. Since he is an artist, a few of my acquaintances may choose to dismiss him. So far, those who have met him seem disposed to like him.”
“He is quite personable, so he ought to be well received.”
“Yes, I agree.” He took a sip of wine. “I had informed Lord Matlock that Mr. Wood would accompany me to town. This morning, Lady Matlock sent me a note. She wants Miles and me to have dinner at their home on Tuesday evening. She provided an invitation for you and Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner, which I intend to give them after dinner.”
So, the earl and countess wanted to meet Mr. Wood—andme. I gulped down my mouthful of potatoes with difficulty. “Thank you. I do not believe we have any other obligation for Tuesday.”
He smiled at me and tucked into his dinner.
The rest of the evening elapsed with no further mortifying transgressions by my sister, thanks to Mrs. Perry; she stuck near Lydia and made periodic asides to her.
Once the Darcys and Mr. Wood had departed, I followed Lydia upstairs and bade her to enter my room, where I confronted her. “How could you make a scene after I had specifically asked you to behave yourself?”
Her shoulders rounded. “Forgive me, Lizzy. I…I did not mean to embarrass you. Truly, I did not. I had every intention of showing Mrs. Perry that I could be polite.”
“Then explain yourself.”
She stared down at her feet. “Mr. Wood is so…unique and beautiful—his entrancing eyes, his smooth voice, and his genial presence. I could not help myself. I wanted to be close to him—as near as possible.”
“Mr. Wood is an attractive man, but that does not give you leave to thrust yourself within inches of him like a…a trollop!”
“Do not say that!” She raised her sight to me. “I have already been admonished by Mrs. Perry. She reminded me that gentlemen expect ladies to show decorum, and I have ruined my chance to make a good first impression with him.”
I took a measured breath. “It is evident you are unprepared to be in company. I fancy you have set back your chances of attending a ball or party for weeks.”
Her hands covered her face. “I know, but Imustsee him again. I think I love him.”