His smile disappeared. “I can understand why you no longer dislike the man, but agreeing to spend the rest of your life with him is a tremendous reversal. It is not like you to disregard your intuition, and your first impression of him could prove to be the authentic one.”

I shook my head. “No, that is not—”

He stayed me with his hand. “Allow me to finish. My greatest fear is you will learn the truth too late. No doubt he has been showing himself at his best, but the faults that earned your disdain could return once you are his wife and under his power. For all intents and purposes, you will be hisproperty.”

“That is true forallwives in England, so you may as well condemn marriage altogether.” I drew my lower lip between my teeth. “So, this is why you insisted we keep our betrothment a secret for a month.”

“Yes. Short engagements may be all the fashion, but I see no reason to rush into matrimony. If you and he are meant to be together, the wait will not matter.”

“But you did not impose any restrictions upon Jane and Mr. Bingley.”

“Their situation differs. Although Mr. Bingley took a long while to propose marriage, he never hid his interest in Jane.”

“Our courtship may have been…complex, but we reached the same result—Mr. Darcy and I love each other. I understand him now and appreciate his many admirable qualities. Never before have I been as happy as I am in his company.”

“I am glad to hear it, but I cannot be at ease unless I am persuaded you have a thorough knowledge of his character. Pray, make efficient use of this month.”

“What do you mean?”

He removed his spectacles and gave me a pointed look. “Employ your innate curiosity—query Mr. Darcy. Ask what sort of life he intends the two of you to lead. How often will you be in London in comparison to Derbyshire? Does he expect you to give up activities or connexions you hold dear? Will he restrict you in any other ways?”

My chest tightened. Fitzwilliam would not inhibit me that way. Still, Papa’s advice made sense. “Yes, it would be wise to discuss those subjects.” Of course, due to Miss de Bourgh’s fatal illness, Fitzwilliam would lend his support at Rosings Park, reducing the time we could spend together. In light of my father’s concerns, there would be no benefit in mentioning this fact.

“Despite how firm you might be in your decision at this moment, the passage of time may lessen the sentiment you feel for Mr. Darcy.” He set his spectacles upon the desk. “If you still want to marry him by the time Jane and Mr. Bingley return from Brighton, you may set a wedding date and make the engagementpublic. Until then, I expect the two of you to be discreet—do not consort in any way that leads others to believe you are courting.”

I quelled the arguments on the tip of my tongue. Although part of me still bristled at his mandate, I could not entirely fault his concerns. “Very well.”

His fingers made rhythmic flicks upon the desk. “And be careful in Lydia’s company. Allow her to believe your primary association is withMissDarcy.”

“Yes, I understand.” With any luck, Mrs. Perry would keep my sister too busy to dwell upon my affinity with Fitzwilliam.

He lowered his gaze. “I read my brother Gardiner’s words with a mixture of pique and shame. I had grown blind and deaf to Lydia’s antics and allowed her behaviour to go unchecked for too long. I hope it is not too late to effect a meaningful change in her.”

Too late? What a depressing notion! “If anyone can succeed in improving Lydia, it is Mrs. Perry.”

Papa nodded. “Do you remember Mrs. Clarke? She worked as a companion for Miss Goulding.”

“Yes, the tall, slender lady with auburn hair.”

“I have hired her for Mary and Kitty. She will arrive here next week.”

“That is splendid news. Do my mother and sisters know yet?”

“No, and pray do not inform them.” His eyes twinkled. “I shall broach the subject in good time.”

“As you wish.” My father took delight in being the bearer of surprises. Upon departing the study, I proceeded to Jane’s chamber. We took seats together on the bed.

Jane wrapped her arms around her bent legs. “Have you persuaded Papa to rescind his demand that your engagement be kept secret?”

“No, he remains suspicious of Mr. Darcy.”

She reached out to pat my hand. “That is a shame. But waiting a month is not so bad, is it?”

“In actuality, our marriage may be delayed even longer.” I explained Miss de Bourgh’s sad fate but did not reveal the possibility of Fitzwilliam having a brother. Although I trusted my sister’s discretion, I should not ask her to keep a secret from her future husband.

“Oh no, that is so sad!” Her eyes crinkled. “You met Miss de Bourgh in Kent, did you not?”

“Yes, though Lady Catherine tended to dominate the conversations, and I did not say more than a few words to her.” With the aim of lightening the mood, I asked Jane what had occurred since her return home.