But if he had desired me all along, how could he have let me go with no attempt to stop me or change my mind? “When youoffered to release me, I believed you wanted to be free of our understanding. I could not conceive of any other reason for you to broach the topic.”
His head dipped before he met my gaze again. “At the time, it had not occurred to me that you might have doubted my intentions or the strength of my love for you.”
“I had received a letter from Charlotte, whom I had never confided in about us. She described your manner with Miss Finch and concluded you were in love with the lady. I believed my friend to be mistaken—until you offered to release me.”
“For the love of…” He brushed his knuckles along his mouth. “Mrs. Collins has an active imagination. Miss Finch had suffered a traumatic event that left her timid and mistrustful of men. Lady Matlock asked me to befriend her and demonstrate that not all men are dangerous, and I agreed.”
“Ah, that was…kind of you.” But what about the tall, brown-haired woman? “There is also the lady you escorted to the concert. I passed by the inn yesterday and observed you with her in the lobby. She…she kissed you.”
“You were there? I had no idea.” His jaw twitched. “Miss Nicholson’s impulsive act took me by surprise. Did you not see my response? I stepped back from her.”
He did? What a relief!“No, I turned away at once.”
“Miss Nicholson apologised for the impulsive deed moments later. She meant to express gratitude for my assistance to herself and her father.”
“What service had you provided?”
“The other day, I encountered them on the road after they had been robbed. I took them to Bedford and assisted in the arrest of the highwaymen.”
“Oh! One of the shopkeepers mentioned the bandits’ capture.” I worried my lower lip as the picture of a fiend holding a fire-armflashed in my mind. “That must have been dangerous. You are well, are you not?”
“Yes, perfectly so. One of the highwaymen injured Mr. Nicholson and his driver during the robbery, but they are both recovering.”
“I see.”
“When Mr. Nicholson asked me to take his daughter to the concert as a favour to him, it would have been ill-mannered to refuse. Of course, my primary object in attending the event had been to see you.”
“But how did you know I was in Bedford?”
“I went to Longbourn on Thursday hoping to speak with you, but your father had instructed the butler to take me to the study. He refused to allow me to see you. He…um…made it clear I had caused you pain.”
He had sought me out at Longbourn on Thursday.If only I had known!
“After the bungle I had made of everything, I could not blame him for denying me, but I remained determined to try to earn your forgiveness. On Friday morning, I returned and searched the surrounding roads and footpaths for you. When I failed to find you, I spied Miss Catherine in the garden and spoke to her. She told me where you had gone. I left for Bedford that day.”
Fitzwilliam had travelled to Bedford forme.“Papa never breathed a word you had been there. As a matter of fact…his suggestion that we visit his friend Mr. Baxter came as a great surprise. He must have devised this trip as a way of keeping us apart.”
“Yes, I believe he did. Despite the temptation to blame your father, the responsibility for our separation is mine. I am so sorry, Elizabeth.” His voice grew hoarse. “Will you ever forgive me for putting us through this ordeal?”
I reached for his hand and interlocked our fingers. “I like to think of myself as a merciful sort. Nevertheless, I should appreciate an explanation—why did you offer to release me from our agreement and then accept my suggestion without a word of protest?”
His mouth drew flat. “At the time, I believed you to be in love with Miles.”
My breath rushed out. “What? How could you have thought that?”
“Circumstances converged to make the conclusion seem undeniable—in particular, Mrs. Annesley witnessed Miles in an amorous embrace with Miss Hawkins and mistook her for you.”
“Oh dear. But Mr. Miles—he must have told you the truth.”
“He left town before I arrived at the house, so I did not have an opportunity to speak to him until he returned.”
Images inundated me of Fitzwilliam from that dreadful conversation we had at my uncle’s home, and a chill rippled down my back. “So when we last spoke at Gracechurch Street, you believed I had betrayed you. You must have…hated me.”
“No, I could never hate you or Miles. I did not believe either of you had sought to hurt me. After all, my aunt had contrived to put the two of you in company. Furthermore, I understood why you might have preferred him. He has all my positive attributes and none of my faults. And even though I surpass him in wealth and standing, neither of those advantages impress you.”
I swayed closer to him and licked my lips. “Mr. Miles has many admirable traits, but you are the only man for me.”
“Truly?” The trace of a smile softened his aspect, yet a subtle clump between his eyebrows persisted.