“I am very sorry to hear that.”
The earl motioned to me with his glass of wine. “My son Richard, whom you know as Colonel Fitzwilliam, had an abundance of praise for you, young lady.”
“He is a gallant gentleman.”
“From what I understand, Darcy’s courtship of you has not been straightforward, and he did not earn your favour during his stay in Hertfordshire last autumn.”
“No, he did not.”
“The fault is entirely mine.” Mr. Darcy’s sonorous words drew my sight, and his sanguine mien buoyed my confidence. “I did not present myself well then.”
“Although I once believed Mr. Darcy to be humourless, ill-tempered, and conceited, now I know better.”
A deep laugh shook the earl’s upper body. “You are not the first to have characterised him that way, and I doubt you will be the last.” He directed a grin at Fitzwilliam. “Of course, none of us would fare well if judged by our worst moments.”
The viscount sniggered. “Be careful, Darcy. Miss Bennet does not mince words.”
“No, she does not.” Fitzwilliam’s matter-of-fact response spurred my smile. “And with her influence, I expect to offend people far less often.”
“That would be a welcome improvement.” Lady Matlock replied to Mr. Darcy, but her brown eyes focused upon me. “I understand you play the pianoforte. Do you have other accomplishments?”
My mouth went dry. No doubt my answer would disappoint her. “My musical skills are mediocre, though I have resolved to practise more in the future. To call these ‘accomplishments’ may be an exaggeration, but I have a fair proficiency in Italian, I am competent on horseback, and I am familiar with all aspects of running a household.”
Fitzwilliam turned towards me. “I have never seen you on a horse. I assumed you either did not favour riding or had never learnt.”
“Last summer our mare, Thea, died, and I have not ridden since.”
“I am sorry.” He leaned closer and lay his hand upon mine. “A horse is far more than a means of transportation, and it can be heart-wrenching to lose one.” A delightful sensation warmed my fingers until the countess hemmed, and Fitzwilliam retracted his hand.
“Now then,”—Lady Matlock’s sight flitted between me and Mr. Wood—“due to your association with Darcy, we must ensure you both are accepted by thebeau monde. I expect you two will face similar challenges because of your connexions to trade.” She gestured to my aunt and uncle. “I hope neither of you take offence—I mean to be sensible and straightforward, not hurtful.”
Uncle Gardiner shared a glance with my aunt before facing Lady Matlock. “We understand, my lady—no offence is taken.”
The countess returned her attention to me. “Darcy mentioned your eldest sister wed his friend Mr. Bingley. The marriage must have been a great relief to your mother.”
“Yes, indeed.”
“Although I presume she is frustrated by your father’s precept, for she cannot share the news of your engagement with her friends.”
Heat seared my cheeks. “My mother will be overjoyed when she hears the news.”
Lady Matlock’s lips parted for a long moment. “I should have expected your mother to be the first to know of your understanding with my nephew.”
“Mama is rather…excitable and subject to fits of anxiety. In addition, she is outspoken and does not always remain within the bounds of decorum. My father and I agreed she would be told…later.”
“Has Darcy met your entire family?” The countess’s nonchalant tone belied her taut deportment.
“Yes.” I glanced at Fitzwilliam. “And he has articulated his thorough understanding of my family’s foibles.”
A sound akin to a snort issued from the viscount. “That must have been an interesting conversation.”
“I lived to regret my lack of tact on that occasion.” Fitzwilliam spoke under his breath.
Lady Matlock lifted a hand to her mouth as she tittered. But she soon resumed a sedate manner. “Your candour is appreciated in an intimate gathering such as this, Miss Bennet. However, I caution you that in a more public setting, discretion is almost always the better choice.”
“Yes, I understand.”
“The sooner you are introduced to the most influential people in London, the better, and I shall do my utmost to ensure they will approve of you.”