Without a vestige of forethought, my mouth seized hers in a rapturous contact, sending a shudder throughout my insides. Nothing could compare to the enthralling softness of her pink lips; their intoxicating allure held me spellbound.
Elizabeth moaned, and the velvety, feminine sound spurred my cravings and emboldened me. My tongue gently prodded until her lips parted, allowing me to explore her mouth and taste her unique essence. The finest wine offered to a parched man could not have been more satisfying. And yet I hungered for more. The length of her body clung to mine, but I wanted, needed, her to be closer still. Then she made a tentative start with her tongue, mirroring my actions and sending me deeper into her thrall. Thank heavens a portion of my consciousness kept sight of our precarious situation—her aunt and unclewaited nearby. My self-control had never been more strained as when I pulled back from her, panting.
Her eyes flew open. “Why did you stop? Have I…displeased you?”
“The opposite is true. As much as I should prefer to continue kissing you, I cannot take the risk at present.” I stroked her upper arms. “The temptation you present to my sobriety is unparalleled, yet restraint is in order—especially since our engagement must remain a secret for now.”
Her mouth quirked into an adorable pout. “I suppose that is sensible.”
I left soft, chaste kisses around her mouth and cheeks, and her smile returned. A firm knock on the door startled us apart.
Elizabeth’s complexion flushed, and her forefinger traced her lips. Would her aunt and uncle notice their slightly swollen state? It seemed not, for Mr. Gardiner retained an amicable demeanour when he and his wife returned. Mrs. Gardiner asked me to stay for dinner, and I accepted the invitation with gratitude.
During the meal, I described my meeting with Mr. Bennet.
Mr. Gardiner met my gaze with a tight frown. “Whilst I do not agree with my brother’s stipulations, he is Lizzy’s father, and I am bound to abide by them.”
“I understand.”
Elizabeth inched forwards to catch her uncle’s notice. “Neither of us are inclined to wait, though, and I hope to convince Papa to rescind his edict.”
“Nevertheless, for now, you have restrictions. In his letter to me, your father specified Mr. Darcy and you cannot take any action to incite rumours the two of you are courting.”
“Yes, I know.” Her chin descended. “His letter to me contained the same mandates.”
I set down my fork and faced Mr. Gardiner. “In light of this, what shall Elizabeth and I be permitted to do?”
“In my view, everything you and Lizzy have done thus far has been acceptable. But I cannot allow you to demonstrate a marked preference for her in public, and that includes using her given name. If the two of you attend a ball, you may partner with her no more than once, and it cannot be the first set.”
“Very well.” I gnashed my teeth at the notion of her dancing with other men.
Elizabeth raised her eyes to me, and her mouth formed the words, “I am sorry.”
Despite my frustration, I smiled for her. At least I should not be prevented from seeing her. I should endure Mr. Bennet’s constraints—they amounted to nothing in comparison to the infinite reward of having Elizabeth as my wife.
Chapter 5: The Housekeeper’s Testimony
Sunday, 17 May
Matlock House, London
Richard strode towards me in the hall and gave my hand a hearty shake. “Good morning, Cousin. As you may surmise, I received your message. I congratulate you for obtaining Miss Bennet’s hand.”
I had written to my cousin last night and asked him to be present when I met with Lord Matlock today. “Thank you, Richard.” I patted his upper arm and released his hand. “Is Berkeley at home?” Lord Matlock’s heir, Viscount Berkeley,known to his immediate family as Henry, usually fenced on Thursday mornings.
“No, he already left for Angelo’s.”
“That is just as well. I should rather not share my news with him until I have obtained your father’s support.”
Richard grinned. “Ah, conquer the primary obstacle first, and the next one will be child’s play, huh?”
“That is the general idea. Have you seen your father this morning?”
“Not yet. Why do you ask?”
“No doubt Lady Catherine has been here and has done her utmost to convince him that Miss Bennet is a fortune-hunter.”