We took seats, and I provided a summary of Lady Catherine’s account, including her threat to make the information public.

The room remained quiet for almost a minute until Mr. Gardiner broke the silence. “What do you intend to do now?”

“I shall question my aunt’s housekeeper. If she affirms the report, I shall attempt to confirm its veracity. If the relevant details are true, and I have a brother, I shall seek him out.”

An artery jutted out on Mr. Gardiner’s temple. “Are you resolved to proceed on this course despite the possibility you could lose your estate?”

I glanced at Elizabeth, whose brows knitted in a pensive mode. “If I have an elder brother, then Pemberley belongs to him.”

“In that event, how would you support my niece?”

“A year or so ago, a family friend left me a small estate in Somersetshire that clears almost three thousand a year. I also have ten thousand pounds in bonds.”

Mrs. Gardiner’s feet slid back upon the green-and-gold Persian carpet. “I imagine the revelation of a second Mr. Darcy would be an enduring topic of gossip in town.”

“Yes, I am afraid so. I believe Lord and Lady Matlock, my uncle and aunt, would help to deflect any negative repercussions.” I fixed upon Elizabeth. “Do you have questions or concerns?”

Her shimmering orbs raised towards me. “I…I have so many thoughts. It is horrifying to think anyone would want to harm a helpless baby. And a brother heretofore unknown to you is a momentous prospect. I imagine it would be a blessing for you to have another family member with whom you may forge a close association. Yet, for you to relinquish the estate you love, your home, would be a grievous outcome. Furthermore, your brother could prove to be less honourable and responsible than you. In spite of the risks, though, I agree with your decision.”

I searched her countenance. “It must be a disappointment to learn that as my wife, you might not be mistress of Pemberley.”

A blossoming smile raised her cheeks. “No, not at all. I do not doubt Pemberley is beautiful, but I should be pleased to be mistress of a small estate in Somersetshire. My concern is for the significant loss you would sustain.”

My breath hitched.I love her so much.She had withstood Lady Catherine’s unpardonable abuse, yet her primary worry was for me.

Elizabeth eyed Mr. Gardiner. “Now that we have settled the most vital details, may I speak to Mr. Darcy alone?”

“Shall we go, Edward?” Mrs. Gardiner moved her weight forwards.

“Yes, my dear.” We all stood, and Mrs. Gardiner left the room. Mr. Gardiner followed his wife but paused at the doorway to look back. “I shall give you ten minutes.”

When the door closed behind him, I took Elizabeth in my arms, and she gripped my waist, laying her head upon my lapel. Her delectable warmth and alluring essence fed my senses as my hands roamed over her back. “Are you well?”

“Yes, now that you are come. It had crossed my mind that if Lady Catherine’s assertion had been true, you would at least consider ending our engagement—especially since my father has insisted our attachment remain a secret for the next six weeks.” She peeked up at me. “He sent an express to my uncle today with a letter to me as well.”

“No, I never considered giving you up. Earning your regard has been one of my finest and most arduous accomplishments. Now that I have your affection, I intend to treasure it always.”

“My father’s dictate is regrettable and frustrating. It is rare for him to be this strict.”

“I share your sentiment and should marry you tomorrow if I could.”

“Upon my return home for Jane’s wedding, I shall attempt to convince Papa to relent.”

“That would be ideal.”

She pulled back to view me. “I almost forgot—my father wrote that Mr. Wickham has left Hertfordshire.”

“Where has he gone?”

“Colonel Forster had him transferred to a regiment near the Scottish border.” Her left eyebrow cambered. “If the local gossips are to be believed, Mr. Wickham spent too much time withMrs. Forsterfor the colonel’s comfort.”

That would not surprise anyone who knew Wickham well. “At least he is gone from the neighbourhood, which is welcome news.”

“Yes, it is a great relief.” Her palm pressed against my chest. “You ought to know my feelings for you surpass anything I have experienced before. I…love you.”

Under the soft pressure of her hand, the thudding of my heart soared, and I took a moment to savour the full force of her sweet declaration. “Elizabeth, my dearest, would you indulge me by repeating that?”

She blinked, her hazel eyes shiny. “I love you, Fitzwilliam.”