I laughed. All this time, I worried somebody would discover I came from another planet. Instead, it seemed they thought I came from our neighbors from the north. Years of worry vanished.

“I’ve never dated an alien before.”

I wiped the tears from my eyes. “So it’s a first for the both of us.”

We walked along the course. Families mixed in with the couples. Were they on first dates? I wanted to tell them no matter how awkward it started, there was time to turn it around. I’d also be sure they knew I conquered the dreaded clown.

We turned in our clubs, and I waited for Dustin to say what came next. I dreaded the thought of our night ending. Should I ask him to come over again? Would it be pushy to ask if I could put my cock in him?

“It’s not chocolate.” He gestured to a white truck in the parking lot. On the roof, a giant ice cream cone filled with vanilla turned about while playing music. If I thought the date couldn’t get any better, I had been wrong.

“Yes,” he said, “they have chocolate.”

I clapped. “Then sex?”

He coughed. “I mean… I… Maybe? Let’s see where the night takes us.”

“This is the best first date ever.”

“I’m going to agree with you on that.”

Ice cream and then naked touching. I don’t know what he was talking about. This had turned into the best night of my life. I couldn’t wait to tell the guys at work. They’d be jealous.


“Oh!Oh! Oh! Pick the mad scientist.”

“What about the guy who talks to fish?” asked Dustin.

I shook my head. “Scientists. They’re an evil lot. If he’s been spotted at the chemical plant, I’m sure they’re up to no good.”

Dustin stood naked with his hands on his hips. “Fine, but next time I choose the villain.”

I pressed the button on the HeroApp™, claiming the villain as our own. Meanwhile, Dustin hopped about on one foot, trying to squeeze himself into his spandex. I couldn’t help but giggle as his cock flopped about before he stuffed it into his suit. When he pulled his cowl over his head, I couldn't believe this man had been on top of me an hour before.

We snuck out the window in the living room, bolting into the sky. Going from sexy, naked time to saving the city… I could get used to this life. As we zipped around buildings, Dust… Discord picked up speed, and tried to pull ahead. If he wanted a race, I’d gladly show him how it was done.

As I pushed ahead, I spotted the chemical plant. Of all the places in Vanguard, this was one of the most attacked. It was also responsible for creating half the villains. Humans brokein, time and time again, wading around in glowing green goo, hoping to gain superpowers. They should at least up their security. A chain-link fence with a padlock begged bad guys to enter.

I spotted an open skylight and landed on the roof. When Discord caught up, I tapped my wrist. “What took you so long?”

“Show off!” He poked me in the belly before jumping inside the building.

I drifted behind him. The stench of chemicals made my nose twitch. I had to hold off sneezing. The room stretched the length of a football field, lit only by dim red security lights… and glowing vats of deadly chemicals. There were at least a dozen containers rising out of the ground like above-ground pools. Walkways and stairs hung above the pools, begging for average humans to jump in. What exactly did Vanguard need this building for?

“Are you sure you don’t want to revisit the fish guy?”

“Who’s the scaredy cat now?”

I landed between a glowing blue sludge and a container of purple. At this point, I couldn’t smell anything. It had filled my lungs, and I considered that might be what my father had warned me about? The very thing giving people their powers could be the one that sent me to an early grave.

“You okay?”

I lied and nodded. I didn’t want Discord to see me flinch, not in the middle of a mission. He gave me a pat on the back. It wasn’t much more than a quick assurance, but the reminder I wasn’t here alone provided the push I needed. With my newly minted sidekick, I could do this.

“You two, again?”

I spun around, searching for the voice. In a maze of pools, our villain could hide anywhere. Discord pressed his back against mine as we turned about, looking down the long aislesbetween vats. With the echo in the building, it’d be impossible to pinpoint his voice.