Oh shit. "I'll suck you off? Or you want to nail me?"
"I have a better idea," he said, reaching around and grabbing my arm.
* * *
Awariye dozed against me, and from how heavy he was getting, I reasoned that if he relaxed any further he would be out in no time. I reached over and slid him down and under me, on his back on the bed. He giggled and made a joke about me slinging him around like a rag doll, but even then his eyelids were struggling to stay open, and I just wanted him to relax.
He petted my thighs as I straddled him. “Igor, let me blow you. That felt so good.”
I shook my head, taking my cock in hand. “I want you just like this.”
When he saw what I was doing, his eyes widened a touch, and his cheeks kept their flush. Scanning his pert nipples, his sexy chest and abs, the long lines of his neck, and his facial structure, that of an artist rendered by a careful craftsman, I thought of all the ways I wanted to make him come. Pumping my cock vigorously, I spilled on his stomach as he smirked up at me, eyes burning with lust.
I flopped onto the bed next to him, still trembling from having shot my load. Awariye cooed and smooched my lips. Then his stomach growled so loudly it made us both erupt in giggles.
"Breakfast," I declared, reaching for my handkerchief to clean him off.
The next morning, as I slept in Igor's arms, the opening door woke me. Rising out of sleep, I heard the guard dog huff but let someone through. I wondered if Sigrid was dropping off more medicine for me, but she usually didn't disturb us while we were sleeping as far as I knew.
Then Wren's silly dog plopped his head on the mattress right next to me, and I steeled myself for the gigantic dane to come barreling onto the bed with us. Instead, the little girl whom I knew to be Eliana—Evelyn and Söeren’s daughter—hefted herself from the dog's back and onto the blankets. Once she settled, she patted Bello's head, and I couldn't believe how still Wren's misbehaving dog stayed for her.
Then she swiveled and leveled those large eyes on me, and I felt pinned in place. She smoothed her dress over her petticoats like a teacher getting ready to start class. "My brothers told me that Siegfried the warrior kills the dragon, then brags about it to try to get Kriemhild for his wife. But that doesn't make sense when you could befriend the dragon."
Oh, bless her. I struggled to think of a way to explain this story from theNibelungenliedto a compassionate child, when some scholars saw the slaying of the dragon as a metaphor for the fall of the old, pagan world connected to nature, and the supposed triumph of monotheism in the West that eventually claimed mankind as the conqueror of nature. For those of us sitting at the bottom of a dark age after civilizational collapse and centuries of turmoil, that lesson came across the decades as both foolish and delusional.
Igor ground his hips and I shifted away from him, not wanting him to get any ideas in his sleep. My scooting up on the pillows prompted him to flop over and fall back asleep.
I lay against the pillows a bit so I could think, but not fully sitting up so I didn't tower over her while she was trying to figure something out. "You think the dragon would make a good friend?"
"He's an ally that's useful," she replied with a prim set to her lips. "He's your banker."
That gave me pause. "Banker?"
"Of course," replied Eliana, smoothing a hand over the dog's nose and snout. "Dragons guard your gold against anyone stealing it. They won't let you spend it, either. That way, with a dragon, you stay rich forever."
That was a fair point. I wracked my brain for what dragon stories I knew. "There are some dragons who are friends of mankind."
She brightened, and I could so clearly see how she looked like Sören and Evelyn together, those sharp eyes her mother's, and that dark hair flopping around definitely her father's.
"This story's from the twentieth century; that's five hundred years ago. The story says people moved to another planet and found little lizards they kept as pets. Over hundreds of years, the lizards grew larger until they became dragons. The people became the Dragon riders of the planet Pern."
She furrowed her dark brows. "How did they fly to another planet?"
That was a sharp observation for a four-year-old. "Back then, as you know, they had planes, machines that flew in the air. But they also had rockets that flew people in outer space to other planets."
"Like Venus?"
I nodded. "Though the planet Pern revolves around another star. Their Sun is not our sun. It is a faraway star."
I saw the gears whirring in her mind. The little princess looked up at the ceiling as if she were viewing a night sky. "The stars are suns for other people."
"At least for other planets,ja genau. Those planets may not have life on them like Earth does."