Chapter 1
One Week Ago
Dear Diary,
I'm not sure how much more I can take, being this close to three of the most sensual men I've ever met—Dexter Kerr, Wilder Raines, and Jameson Sawyer. They're my boss's bosses. They arrived four days ago, and I've already ruined more panties in those four days from just looking at them than I ever did in two years of dating Mark, and he was my fiancé. I bet they could make my darkest fantasies come true. Unfortunately, my boss Carla won't let me within ten feet of them. She ushers them into her office before I can even say hi. What I wouldn't give to at least hear their voices in my head as I fantasize about them calling me a good girl, envision it's them buried between my thighs and not my double-headed vibrator.
Thankfully, tomorrow is Friday. I'll have the weekend to work on my application for Club Sin since I finally have enough money saved for at least one month of membership fees. That should hold me over until I can save more. I have to do something quickly because the need to be dominated by more than one man at a time is getting stronger, especially now that I've seen Dexter, Wilder, and Jameson.
"What's that?" Dexter points to the purple journal clutched in my hands.
"By the looks of it, it's Carla's new assistant, Violet's personal diary." My declaration makes both Dexter and Jameson sit up straighter. Their interest definitely peaked at the knowledge of what I hold in my hands.
The first day we saw Violet, she lowered her gaze submissively. I could tell we were all taken by her natural submissive reaction. It fed into our dominant tendencies, making our inner beasts rise close to the surface.
"You really shouldn't be reading her personal thoughts." Jameson scolds, but the look in his eyes tells a different story.
I wonder what they would say if I told them the quiet little assistant is applying for membership at Club Sin. Not surprisingly, the three of us are members of Club Sin since we are all Doms. That's actually where we first met. It's been a while since any of us had the time or the desire to pick up a random sub for a scene. They can get too clingy if you let them hang around too long.
"I think you might be interested in what little Miss Sunshine thinks about when she's secretly scribbling in her diary." We dubbed her "Little Miss Sunshine" from the bright, shy smile she gives us every time she sees us before dropping her eyes to the floor like the good girl she pretends to be.
"They're still her private thoughts. It's not right." Always Mr. Righteous, Dexter is the moral compass out of the three of us. Jameson and I might be in jail somewhere or worse without his guidance.
"Chill, Dex. It's no big deal."
"No big deal, my ass. It could turn into an HR nightmare if she finds out we intentionally read her private diary. She might even sue—the last thing we need is more bad press." Dexter doesn't come out and say it, but I know he's referring to the scandal from a couple of years ago.
"Are you ever going to forgive me for that? Or are you going to continue to hold it over my head like my Lord and Master?" Iglare at him, daring him to push me. I'm itching for something, and if it's not spending time between Violet's pretty little thighs, then picking a fight with Dexter is the next best thing.
"Don't go there. I'm not in the mood." Dexter holds my stare, and neither one of us backs down until Jameson clears his throat, effectively ending our silent standoff. "Now put that damn book away before she gets back to her desk." Dexter's tone has me clenching my hands around the leather of the diary, making the material creak beneath my touch.
"Look, what if I told you Little Miss Sunshine is a freak in the sheets." I loosen my grip on the diary and hold it out to Jameson and Dexter. "It's all in here." I shake the book to emphasize my point. "Every smut-filled desire she's ever had is right here for the taking." I see the moment my words sink in as their eyes glaze over in lust.
Dexter is the first to come to his senses, "That's fine for one of us, but what about the other two?"
Jameson nods in agreement, and just like that, I have them both hook, line, and sinker with my plan: "That's the million-dollar question now, isn't it?" I pull the diary away from them and set it on the desk. "It seems little Violet here is applying for a membership at Club Sin." I pause, wanting to milk this moment for as long as possible. It's about time Dexter was the one not in control for once. I don't even feel guilty that Jameson is collateral damage in my game of wills with Dexter.
"And?" Dexter bites out. The distinct flex in his jaw lets me know his patience is running low.
If only I had more time to make him suffer, but I need to finish this conversation and get Violet's diary back in her bag that's still safely under her desk where she left it when I had Carla take her on a supply run to the forty-ninth floor in the building, guaranteeing me at least thirty minutes to skim through the purple notebook I've been watching her write in all week when she thought no one was looking.
Little did she know I'm not above doing whatever it takes to get what I want, no matter the cost. How do you think I became a multibillionaire at the ripe old age of thirty, eight years ago?
"Our little submissive doesn't want just one man to dominate her. According to her own words, she wants three. And not just any three. She named the three of us specifically in her diary."
"Fuck." Jameson slides back down into his chair. "I never would have guessed she'd be into anything like that."
"That and a whole lot more." I firmly tap the diary with my index finger.
"She's still our employee. Any sexual relationship between supervisors and their subordinates is grounds for dismissal—not to mention another Human Resources nightmare. And since we're the owners of the company, it's not like we are going to fire ourselves. Violet will be the one to be let go. If my suspicion is right, she's why the spreadsheets have never looked as good as they have in years. We all know it's not Carla's doing. Hell, she was days away from being fired until the new and improved spreadsheets started appearing in our inboxes right around the time Violet was hired."
"Don't worry. I'm not going to let anything happen to Violet. I have a feeling she's going to become more to us than we ever dreamed possible in a sub."
"I'm in," Jameson says, holding out his hand, motioning for Violet's diary. I hand it to him with a knowing smirk.
"What about you, Dex? Are you going to help us give Violet what she wants?"
"Fine, but you'd better make sure this doesn't blow up in our faces. She's a good employee. I don't want to lose her because we can't keep it in our pants."