"That's a good point." The prospect of the two of us just hanging out filled me with so much joy.
"Speaking of…" She crossed her legs to her side, angling herself in my direction. "I have something I want you to think about."
Her words fell out as if they were running downhill. "I have a spare room, and I want you to move into it."
"You do?" My grin was so big.
"I've really liked this. I don't want to pause reconnecting. You said living here was temporary, anyway. If you just pay for your own food, and your expenses. I'll cover everything else. You won't even have to call me Mom and Dad."
I snorted. It was surreal. A week ago, I would have felt grateful just to have her acknowledge my existence. I could never have expected this. "Okay, I'll move in with you."
Her smile was all teeth. It reminded me of our childhood Christmas mornings. "You don't want to think about it or anything?"
"Well, good."
"Good." I pictured what living with her would be like—spending time together, learning about each other again, fighting like sisters. I felt good. Right.
Even if I might be included in the friendly fire of fan’s photos. I wouldn't trade the chance to have her in my life for that.
A thought took shape, startling in its clarity. Fear gripped my sternum. I wanted to hide from it. But I wouldn't.
Rose considered me out of the corner of her eye. "You look glum. Did you change your mind already?"
"No," I grumbled, then rolled my eyes.
"I have an idea," I heaved a heavy sigh. "And I hate it."
One night before Christmas
I ignored my phone buzzing in my pocket. Jim stapled a piece of trim into place as I held it along the ceiling.
When a family party was canceled because of the treacherous roads, I’d wondered how I would withstand another day in this house. The roads were also why I was still Kelly and Jim's guest. I was stuck right where I was.
Early in the morning, I'd gone into the kitchen in search of coffee. To find Jim drinking from a mug. "Wanna help me with my 'Honey-do' list? A couple of things would be easier with two people. Lizzy would help, but she's been busy with work. Anyway, you in?"
I was. Ireallywas.
Holding still was challenging for me under normal circumstances. Holding still while snowed in with a woman I couldn't stop thinking about—a woman who had already turned me down…
I was desperate for distraction.
Kelly was ecstatic to find us working through the list.
It was mid-morning, but we'd already crossed a few things off the list. We should move slower. I dreaded finding the end of the work.
My phone buzzed insistently as we took a step back, inspecting the trim now secure to the wall. Finally, the vibrating stopped only to start back up.
"Looks good," Jim jerked his head in approval.
I'd done a hell of a lot harder carpentry than this. Which made it laughable how much his approval meant. He'd painted the black crown molding to match the black built in shelving. It was an intense look. But the more I'd gotten to know Kelly, the more it fit.