"Was it fun?"

"No. It was so awkward."

He considered me for a moment. "You two used to be close?"

My throat tightened. I forced out, "Yes."

"What happened?"

Surprisingly, I wanted to answer him. The truth as I saw it sat right at the tip of my tongue before I stopped myself. It would violate Rose's trust. "You should talk to her."

He opened his mouth, but the thud of footsteps coming down the stairs cut him off.

Shay and Lawrence's arms hung low at their sides with reusable grocery bags full of decorations.

I looked back at Will. We were standing close enough that I could see the shape of his eyelashes and the uneven points of his cupid's peak. I took a big step back, but not soon enough to miss the pinch of Lawrence's eyebrows or the warning glare Shay fixed on Will.


They took the tree next to ours, and gave us awkward, half-hearted, hellos. It was a relief when their mom came down with her bright energy and warm hugs. Soon after, the church basement was loud with the sounds of people talking and kids squealing. Mom and Rose discussed in quick, clipped whispers about the possible placements of this object or that. A plan growing on how best to use the tree's natural empty spots and testing the strength of the limbs.

Will and I shared a rueful glance.

"It might be best if we just stay out of the way," I suggested.

"I'll keep us in hot chocolate," he offered.

They announced the beginning of the competition, and the place erupted in a flurry of ornaments and garland. The whole time, it was as if there was a Lawrence sized blind spot in Rose's vision. If he stood to her right, she looked to her left.

When she bumped into Will with feathers clasped in both hands, he took a big step back. "I'm gonna go get those hot chocolates."

I would have joined him, but I had an ornament dangling on each finger just waiting for my mom to pluck one off. He weaved through the crowd a few minutes later. Balancing four paper cups in his hands, he paused at a gasp from Ms. Patricia. Her blue eyes lined in their customary black eyeliner.

"Your Rose's Bill!" she exclaimed.

His eyes shot to mine for the barest moment. His smile was tight and forced. "Uh, yeah. I am. Nice to meet you."

Tilting my head down, I drew my toe along a line separating two tiles. My stomach was suddenly queasy.

"We're big fans—me and my daughter, Jamie. We've been rootin' for you two for so long."

"Thank you."

"We were just over themoonwhen we found out you two werefinallydating."

Every one of her sentences deepened his cheeks into a darker shade of pink. My thoughts jumbled. The connection between the Will who could be mine and this Bill who belonged to Rose in the eyes of everyone else tangled together like Christmas lights.

"Thank you," he said again.

"We follow you on everything, so we knew you were in town because of that picture on your stories yesterday."

"Right, yeah." He swallowed. "What do you do?"

She pressed a hand to her chest, her red fingernails bright against her green sweater. "I manage the humane society."

"Oh, cool."

"You know, it'd mean the world to us if you could come by before you leave. Take a couple of pictures of you and the animals. Something for us to post and drive up donations and adoptions. Even after Hazel's big fundraiser in October, we're always looking for help."