I took a few steps sideways. "It's to my back. I can't relax."
"She, not it's," Rose corrected. Sharing an irritated look with Lizzy. "Go over by the fence next to the saddle. I'll be right there."
She made a clicking sound at the back of her teeth and began leading the mare away. My muscles were wound tight, but as the distance grew between me andMilkshake, my heart rate lowered. I rolled my shoulders and neck.
Lizzy tilted her head, considering me. "I didn't realize you were scared of horses."
"I'm not scared. I just don't trust them."
"Hmm. Important distinction."
I scoffed. "They're too big."
"Did you have any fun today?"
"Some. I liked watching you." I lowered my voice just above a whisper.
"I might have been showing off a little."
Denying the desire to hold her, to kiss her smirking lips, to tell her that the more I got to know her, the harder I fell was like denying that water was wet. She was right there, but completely out of my reach.
And I only had myself to blame.
"Alright," Rose called as she stepped back into the arena. "Let's get this photo and head home."
Four nights before Christmas
"Thanks for letting us ride," I said, bumping my cousin Emmett with my shoulder.
"Sure, anytime." He squinted toward Rose and Will, talking and laughing as they strolled to the exit. "What do you think of him?"
My expression remained neutral, even though I was hyper-aware that they had zero chemistry. They acted more like siblings than romantic partners. It was clear that they enjoyed each other's company, but it did not seem like they wanted to sleep together. With my hands tucked into my coat pockets, I shrugged. "He's nice. Why do you ask?"
"He doesn't seem weird with—" Emmett cut himself off to say instead, "to you?"
Did he actually say 'with'?
"He's been," I kicked a divot in the floor with the toe of my boot, "very nice. Good house guest. All of that."
"They just don't seem really into each other."
I was still struggling to think over the anxious voices in my head as he continued, "But then, maybe this is healthier for her."
"Than the way she is with Lawrence?"
Emmett nodded. Only a couple of years older than me and Rose, he'd always been much more observant and mature. It wasn't surprising that he'd noticed the dynamic between her and Will, or between me and Will.
"It's probably good that she and this new boyfriend are obviously…friends."
"Friends can become more, right?" It was as close to convincing as I could muster.
"I guess so. It just usually happens before they start dating."
The pit of my stomach grew heavy. It was one thing to lie to my parents. They didn't seem suspicious, but Emmett had always looked out for me. When people turned mean back when Rose and I had our falling out, he stood up for me. And throughout the entire day, he hadn't mentioned that it was strange for the two of us to hang out.