I cupped her face in one hand and pressed my palm to her back, my fingers splayed.
The gift smacked on the carpeted floor. At least it wasn't breakable. But it was distracting enough. She paused, looking at it laying between our feet.
"What's that?" she asked.
My voice caught in my throat, suddenly self-conscious that I'd brought it. "It's just a little gift. It's probably lame to give it to you now."
"I like it when you're lame." She beamed at me as she bent to pick it up. "Can I open it now?"
I shrugged. "Sure. Just don't make fun of me too badly."
"I don't make any promises." She pulled on the ribbon I'd tied around the package. The tape released with a pop, and in only a few seconds, the paper pealed away revealing the planner's pink cover.
She blinked up at me.
My toes curled and uncurled on the carpet. "If you want to collect planners and never use them…you should collect planners and never use them."
Her lips pulled up at the corners, and I melted in her warmth. The space between our bodies closed in increments. Her mouth pulled mine to hers. Breath by breath. She possessed a magnetism I could surrender to.
"Thank you." she whispered, peppermint on her breath.
I pulled her against my chest. Where I knew she belonged. I'd known it since the moment I'd sat next to her in the hotel bar.
She fit. We fit.
Her mouth was warm and soft.
Finally, I could give her all of me. We didn't have to be secretive or hide.
At the end of the hall, Jim mumbled, "I told you so."
I could practically hear Kelly roll her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, you called it."
Lizzy pulled away, leaving me drunk on just her kiss. Tucking her head into my neck, she held me and let me hold her. It was a rare moment.
It was right.
Christmas Day
"It's freezing out there," Will hissed, slipping back under the covers of my bed.
His toes touched my calf, and I yipped. "Jesus! Did you go to the bathroom or the arctic?"
"Oo"—he wrapped powerful arms around my waist, pulling me back to his chest—"you're so warm."
Giggling, I squirmed. "I was. You're taking my heat."
He shifted his hips, nestling closer to my ass, his erection against the round curve of my cheek. Suddenly inspired, I shifted closer instead of further away. Gliding a hand down my thigh, he groaned. "The wiggling is nice."
"You're nice."
"Not as nice as you."
I burst out laughing. He shushed me, pressing his rough fingertips to my lips.
My shoulders shook, but I managed to stay quiet. I whispered, "You're so much nicer than me. Remember when you met me?"