"It's cute."
"I like yours too."
He grabbed the hem and looked down like he had forgotten what he was wearing. The sweater was knit to look like a red and green flannel with fake buttons and all. "It's pretty cool, right?"
I giggled. "Cool, that's the word I'd use."
"No?" He smiled his winsome smile, drawing me into his warmth.
"Bill, right?"
I jumped, forgetting other people were nearby.
"That's me." Will's usual grin fit back onto his face, directing it toward one of my parents' supervisors. This time when he shook the man's hand, it was friendly and not at all like he might tear the stranger apart.
The man pointed the mouth of his beer toward Will. "You do good work."
"Thank you," he said, but he glanced my way.
It's okay, I mouthed, taking a step back and turning. Behind me, I heard the man say, "There was a tray ceiling you did a couple months ago. Great truss work."
I'd seen people in town chat with Rose about the show over the past couple of years, but I had figured it was because she was from here. To see the excitement on people's faces to talk to Will, a stranger, was a little off-putting.
Mariah Carey sangAll I Want for Christmasthrough the speakers, and I sighed wondering if it was possible for me to reserve a little part of Will for myself when everyone wanted his Bill persona too.
Four nights before Christmas
"Is it true you might get on Netflix or something?" the man asked. I still hadn't gotten his name. But we'd talked about roof trusses at length. The whole time, I kept Lizzy in my peripheral vision.
The moment she'd arrived, she'd been a menace to my focus. With her navy pants following the curve of her hips and thighs. Her sweater accentuating her fullness. Even from a distance, I liked the way she moved. It wasn't necessarily graceful, but it was purposeful. There was an assuredness and efficiency to her steps. And those smiles that I'd fallen so hard for did not get handed out easily—making them that much more precious.
When that dickhead had touched her, I'd struggled with a nagging jealousy. I had no right to dislike anyone talking to her. Not while stapled to Rose's side, pretending to be a dutiful boyfriend. Lizzy's irritated expression had propelled me without so much as an, 'I'll be right back.' My vision turned red when she'd tried getting out from under his arm.
Watching her from afar, I grappled between only wanting to be with her and knowing that was the last place I should be.
"Somthin' like that." I'd emailed our agent, Elise, reporting our recent jump in followers a few hours ago, but I hadn't gotten a response yet.
"So how did you two get started?"
"Rose and I worked for the same builder, and neither of us liked the way he was doing things, so we bought a house and flipped it. She recorded the whole thing, and it's been going ever since," I explained.
"Oh, no, I know that from the show. I meant, how did you two start dating? Did you ask her?"
Oh shit. How did we not discuss this question?
"It wasn't…You know…It just kinda happened," I stammered. "I think she asked me."
A crease formed between his brows.
I opened my mouth to stammer a better story when Lizzy strolled to the front hallway. Fear that she might leave gripped me, and my need to be near her grew too strong to fight. It overwhelmed all my thoughts. Just one more…I didn’t know what would satisfy me.
"Will you excuse me?" I asked, but I was already walking away.
Taking long strides, I made my way to Lizzy with the stealth of an old spy movie—shoulders hunched, and glancing side to side.