"Like this?" I asked, more focused on the rise and fall of her breasts than my actual task.
"Not like that." She rounded under the horse's neck and placed a hand on mine. We froze, the sensation of her skin hot on my fingers. Her body was close enough that I could smell her sweet sweat over the scent of horse and dirt. My eyes followed her flannel covered arm to her face. Our mouths were inches apart.
The distance was dangerous.
She swallowed.
My blood rushed low.
"Like this," she directed, a little breathless.
It wasn't until she pulled her hand back and swiped it over her ponytail that I regained the presence of mind to glance around. Luckily, only Rose was positioned to see us, with an annoyed pinch of her lips.
I mouthed,Sorry.
She rolled her eyes.
I did a better job avoiding Lizzy after that.
Before we left, Rose and I posed for a photo with one of the horses. It stood perfectly still, with its head between our shoulders. But I couldn't shake the fear that it might do something sketchy. It was just too big.
Lizzy lowered Rose's phone from in front of her face. "Will, you're glaring at Milkshake."
I leaned further away from the gargantuan animal. "It's called Milkshake?"
"How else would the boys get to the yard?" Rose asked.
She and Lizzy gave a sarcastic, "Duh," in unison.
Milkshake blew a gust of breath through its nostrils, and I jumped about three feet in the air.
"Let's get her away from him. She doesn't deserve this," Lizzy suggested.
I took a few steps sideways. "It's to my back. I can't relax."
"She, not it's," Rose corrected. Sharing an irritated look with Lizzy. "Go over by the fence next to the saddle. I'll be right there."
She made a clicking sound at the back of her teeth and began leading the mare away. My muscles were wound tight, but as the distance grew between me andMilkshake, my heart rate lowered. I rolled my shoulders and neck.
Lizzy tilted her head, considering me. "I didn't realize you were scared of horses."
"I'm not scared. I just don't trust them."
"Hmm. Important distinction."
I scoffed. "They're too big."
"Did you have any fun today?"
"Some. I liked watching you." I lowered my voice just above a whisper.
"I might have been showing off a little."
Denying the desire to hold her, to kiss her smirking lips, to tell her that the more I got to know her, the harder I fell was like denying that water was wet. She was right there, but completely out of my reach.
And I only had myself to blame.
"Alright," Rose called as she stepped back into the arena. "Let's get this photo and head home."