He spoke directly to my breasts. "Lizzy, you've got a hot kindergarten teacher thing goin'."
With as little enthusiasm as I felt, I said, "Crayons on sweaters really do it for you?"
His grin took on a lascivious edge. "When they're on you."
"Avert your gaze."
"You always have something smart to say."
"Wish I could say the same."
"I hear you're finally single."
"Single doesn't mean interested, Mitchell." I tried to shrug out from under his arm, but he pulled me in tighter.
I shot him my most haughty, threatening glare. Considering how often he'd been on the receiving end, he was impervious. If I had known it only took a boyfriend to keep Mitchell from acting like a jackass, I would have lied about having one, too. "Get your arm off of me."
"We could be good, you know."
Will appeared in front of us. He had moved so quickly that I hadn't even noticed him coming. "Hey, man. I'm Will."
Mitchell tilted his head dumbly but didn't let me go to shake the hand extended to him. "I thought you were Bill."
"It's Will." There was a dangerous glint in his eyes, contrasting the big smile on his face. Under the tangled strings of Christmas lights, they appeared black. They darkened when he saw the frustration on my face. He jerked his still waiting hand. "You gonna leave me hanging?"
The pressure on my shoulders lifted, and I took one big step away. I was at equal parts relieved and irritated. What kind of bullshit was it that Mitchell would listen to a man, but not me?
Shaking Will's hand, Mitchell introduced himself.
But when he went to retrieve his hand, Will didn't let go. His knuckles whitened from the force of his grip. His smile twisted into something menacing. With a voice lower and more threatening than I would have thought he was capable of, he said, "You're gonna keep this paw off of her."
I decided the thrill his protectiveness sent through me didn't deserve criticism.
"The fuck?" Mitchell pulled at his hand again. He was a little shorter than Will, and I could see Mitchell assessing the outcome of a physical fight. It didn't look good for him.
"Don't touch her again."
"What are you gonna do about it?"
"Why does he have to do anything?" I demanded, my arms crossed. "I want you to leave me alone."
Mitchell opened his mouth, but I cut him off, "Look, I'm your bosses' daughter. They wouldn't like to hear about this. You wanna keep your job?"
"That's fucked up."
I had to force my words through clenched teeth. "What's fucked up is ignoring what a woman wants."
He looked like he wanted to call me a name or two, but took in the warning written into every inch of Will—his weight on the balls of his feet, the bunch of his shoulders, and the watchfulness of his eyes. For the first time in his life, Mitchell did the smart thing and moved back. His hand, finally freed from Will's grip, was red.
Will turned his profile to me, watching the other man retreat. A muscle flexed in his jaw, and I resisted the urge to kiss him there. I was more than capable of taking care of myself, but having him watch out for me… He was making it hard to manage how much I liked him and perpetuating his and Rose's story.
I ran my fingers through my hair. "Thanks."
He shook his head.
Crossing my arms, I tore my eyes from the stern set of his brow. "You know I would have handled him, right?"