I allowed the change of subject. Shaking my head, I tried to remember if I'd ever seen Rose with a book in her hand. "I wouldn't say so."

"Hm, she used to."

"Do you read a lot?"

"As much as I can." There was a tone to her voice that brought me to a stop—a deep emotion barely restrained.

I turned to face her. She'd drawn in on herself going too still, just like she did that first night I met her. When she'd been nervous and without control. I tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear, wrapping my other arm around her waist. Giving her whatever comfort I could. "You should get her the last book you liked."

Her lower lip slipped from between her teeth. "I don't know. Do you think she'd like it? Doesn't that seem like a,I didn't know what to get you,gift?"

"It seems like a way for her to get to know you again."

She looked more unsure than I'd ever seen her. Leaning forward, she rested her head on my chest, tucked perfectly under my chin. After a few breaths, she said in an unwavering voice. "I miss her."

Her temple was warm under my lips. "She misses you, too."

Just a few more beats passed before Lizzy straightened. "We should probably be more careful."

I wanted to pull her tight again, to tell her I didn't care. But my choices affected Rose too. I should have been more aware of my actions. I felt small, letting them both down in so many ways.

We should come clean. The thought sparked in my mind like the flip of a switch. The show and the fans be damned. But it wasn't a decision I could make on my own. Maybe Rose would at least consider telling her parents. It'd help to stop lying to them.

To be absolutely truthful with myself. With Lizzy.



Three nights before Christmas

Will and I arrived home from shopping just before Rose. I hurried to my bedroom to stuff my bags into the closet. As soon as she stepped through the garaged door, she began flitting around the kitchen.

"I found this recipe for a Christmas sangria. I'm gonna throw it together. You want some?" she offered, her voice muffled from the other side of my wall.

"Should we get ready for the thing at the school?" Will asked.

"We have time. I could use a drink."

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah." She called out, "Anne, you want a glass?"

A smile split across my face. The delight of being included by her was still very real. I didn't have to tamper it when no one could see me. "Yes, please."

I stepped into the hallway to find Rose bright faced and energetic, a little frantic.

Will and I hovered around the kitchen island while Rose poured ingredients into a pitcher. He rubbed circles on my back, and I closed my eyes, savoring his touch, even if my parents could walk into the room at any moment. I wanted to live in the bubble where it was okay for us to be affectionate for a while longer.

After pouring three champagne flutes, Rose immediately lifted hers to her lips downing the contents then stared into space. I sent Will a questioning glance, but he just shrugged.

"I'm gonna go get ready." He placed a kiss at my temple before leaving.

I felt it in the safety of my rib cage. A seed that had been sowed and sprouted but was now beginning to bloom. My emotions were too tender. I wanted this too much. It would hurt too badly for it to fall apart.

Rose glanced down the hallway after the door closed behind him. "I assume Mom and Dad aren't home?"

"I don't think so."