His chest rose and fell. “Fuck.”
He lowered into the chair across from mine. “You didn’t know?”
I shook my head.
“What are you thinking?”
I shook my head, having a hard time focusing on him. “I don’t know.”
“Have a good night.” Brooks led his patient and their owner to the lobby. He turned, and he took in the tableau. His eyes moved from Remi, to me, then to Nora. “Do I need to padlock the basement?”
“No,” I whined. “Elijah was just a really great guy, and I miss him, and I feel fuckingterrible.” I hid my face behind my knees. “Please tell me that client is gone.”
“He is,” Remi assured me.
Nora flicked her wrist. “It was Ol’ Terrance Miller, anyway. I don’t know if he can complete a sentence without saying, ‘fuck.’”
“Small miracles.” I set my feet back on the ground.
“What are you thinking?” Remi repeated.
“I don’t know.”
Brooks’ mouth was pulled to one side in distaste.
“What am I supposed to do?” I asked no one in particular.
“What do you have control over?” Tilting his head, Remi watched me and waited.
I shrugged. “I don’t think knowing this changes anything. He broke up with me.”
My last word was swallowed by a sob. I hid behind my hands and wished they weren’t all there to witness my breakdown. With one giant hand, Remi rubbed my shoulders. Nora handed me a box of tissues. I forced my lungs to take in slow breaths to calm my body. After a few moments, I had strung together enough composure to interlace my hands in my lap. “Sorry.”
“You’re good,” Nora mumbled.
Brooks cupped the bill of his baseball cap in both hands—his shoulders lifted toward his ears.
I picked at my fingernails, wondering if I could just leave. Everyone was uncomfortable because of me. I should probably go.
To my surprise, it was Brooks who spoke next. “Would it make you feel better to do something?”
I lifted one shoulder and nodded half-heartedly.
“He did this nice thing for you. If you did something nice for him, it might make it feel more even.”
“Wow, I thought you were going to suggest getting drunk or something.” Nora voiced my thoughts as well.
Remi’s mouth lifted in a lopsided smile. “I did, too.”
Brooks’ arms dropped to his sides. “Still an option.”
Chapter 23
“Brah,”Sebastian’svoicewasequal parts shock and disgust.