“I doubt it,” she said.

I squeezed her hand reassuringly, even though I felt less sure. “We’ll tell them we’re here together.”

She rolled her eyes. “I love that you think they have boundaries. The only boundary these people recognize is city limits.”

As if on cue, Shane Briar called out, “Sweet, Hazel and Eli already got a seat.”

“Leave them alone,” Nora’s voice called from the back of the crowd, but I couldn’t spot her.

Shane led the way past the apathetic hostess.

I half stood, and gestured between me and Hazel. “Hey guys, we’re kinda—”

“Come on, help me push these tables together.” He pulled chairs out from the neighboring empty four-top. My hands fisted under the table, my biceps flexed. The sensation of my body preparing to fight happened so quickly, it completely caught me off guard. But then Shane had always been able to get a rise out of me. His annoying-ass face had a direct line to my worst character flaws.

I forced my hands flat on top of my thighs.

“Are you all reallythisoblivious?” Nora asked with her arms open, but the men were set to their task.

“Let’snotpush them together,” I said, my irritation sharpening my unheard words.

“It’s fine.” Hazel shrugged.

“What’s fine?” Sterling stood next to Nora before his crystal blue eyes met mine. He must have seen my exasperation and understood the situation. “Oh shit, yeah, guys, come on. We’ll sit somewhere else.”

“Why?” Bill Mueller lifted his bushy eyebrows as he reached for the chair between me and Hazel.

“Yeah, why?” Shane feigned innocence.

“It’s fine,” Hazel said again.

My shoulders fell in resignation. “Bill, I’m gonna sit there.”


I nodded.

He shook his head, confused. “Okay.”

Lowering into my new spot, I shifted to face her fully. I tried to tune out my ornery emotions as easily as I turned my back to Shane. Under the table, my knee brushed hers. I was determined to look on the bright side. I hooked my ankle around hers and said, “I guess this could be worse.”

An adorable smirk played at the corner of her mouth. “I guess it could.”

Then Dennis took the empty seat next to her.

Chapter 10


Elijah’sbodylanguagetightened—aflex of his thigh against the inside of mine, a straightening of his back, a broadening of his shoulders. I wanted to set him at ease, but I didn’t really know how to do that with Dennis less than a foot from my left.

“Hey, I don’t think we’ve actually met.” He extended a hand toward Elijah.

Their grip looked firm, but not aggressive, as they shook.

“Not really, I’m Elijah.”

“Dennis. Again, I’m really sorry about my dog. Sometimes he gets away from me…”