Kaelon moved from his position by the door, his own aura expanding slightly in the more accommodating space.

The midnight blue of his power intertwined with my shadows, creating patterns that spoke of our centuries of working together, of trust built through countless battles and political maneuvers.

"We need to discuss contingencies, my Lord," he said, voice low despite our solitude.

His eyes flickered to Sparrow's sleeping form, where the shadowsilk garments rippled with contained power.

"The binding spells may not be viable, but there might be another way to protect her while she comes into her power."

I turned from my vigil over Sparrow, intrigued by the tone in his voice. Kaelon rarely spoke with such careful measure unless he had spent considerable time developing a strategy.

"You have something specific in mind?"

"What if," he began, his form shifting slightly as he tested the weight of his words, "we created a neutral ground? Or rather, intentionally spin the wheels of fate so that we take advantage of neutral territory?” he offers with promise. ”A place where she could learn to control her powers without immediately drawing attention to her true nature?"

"Explain," I commanded, though I was already beginning to see the shape of his plan.

The shadows around us stilled as if they too were listening.

"An academic institution," he said, beginning to pace in the small space. His movements left trails in the ambient magic, like ripples on a dark pond. "One sanctioned by all four courts. A place where those with magical potential can learn to control their abilities under the guise of proper education and training."


"We take advantage of the obvious implications happening in the mundane world. Our own will attempt to find women showing potential in being the ‘chosen’ Queen from the prophecy. We’ll have many fighting to prove their picked Maiden is the one who will carry the crown of all the courts,” he reminds. “Our worlds don’t have any academic institutions that focus on female growth and invite opportunity. What better way but to create the space where they will be given the same privilege as the men, who we know will be desperate to have a potential chance with the bestowed princess.”

That made me smirk at the mere idea of anyone trying to partner themselves with Sparrow. I wasn’t worried about the idea. More so, I’d allow her to be with whom she showed interest if that was what left her content and pleased in all departments.

Though if privileged, I’d happily keep her appetite full in the department of sexual desire. With permission, no doubt.

Regardless, the idea had merit.

I felt my own strategic mind engaging with the possibilities, centuries of political maneuvering coming bring on this new challenge.

"The other courts would need to be convinced of its value beyond just training their young. The Aether Court especially would be suspicious of any initiative we propose."

"Precisely why we shouldn't be the ones to propose it," Kaelon countered, a slight smile playing on his lips. "What if the suggestion came from the Elemental Court? They've always positioned themselves as mediators between Shadow and Aether. And they have the most to gain from preventing magical accidents among the untrained."

I nodded slowly, seeing the layers of his strategy unfold.

"The Elemental Court has been pushing for more cooperative ventures between the realms. This would align with their stated goals while giving them significant influence in shaping the next generation of power users."

"And in such an environment," Kaelon continued, his excitement barely contained, "Sparrow's presence would seem..."

"Unmarkable," I finished, appreciating the elegance of the plan as all the pieces fell into place. "Just another student learning to control their gifts. The binding spells wouldn't be necessary if her power appears to be developing naturally."

"We could even use her current state to our advantage," Kaelon added, warming to his theme. "The trauma of hercrossing, the apparent confusion about her abilities — it would make perfect sense for her to seek formal training. Who would suspect the prophesied queen would willingly put herself in such a vulnerable position?"

I moved to the window, looking out at the rift still shimmering in the air.

"The Void Court might suspect. They've always been more perceptive than the others give them credit for."

"Which is why we need to make the institution truly neutral ground," Kaelon pressed. "Sacred contracts, ancient bindings, oaths that even the Void Court would hesitate to break. We make it a sanctuary in the truest sense. A place where violence against students or teachers is forbidden. With catastrophic consequences to professors who volunteer to provide the knowledge and wisdom they’ve acquired for centuries."

"Such protections would require immense power," I mused, running calculations in my mind. "And the cooperation of all four courts to establish them. As for students protection, that would be based on outside circumstances not involving situations where their skills must be tested."

That would make more sense since these students would have to be tested to dangerous limits to prove their potential. Sometimes, those challenges can lead them to the brink of death. The neutral ground would have to bestow a sense of immunity that would protect them from death to an extent.

Experience the strings of death but for it to be a temporary instance. Not a permanent one.