I have to try and hide the smirk that threatens my lips. I don’t know what’s more amusing, Kaelon’s rash anger or Elenore’s daring actions to question our motives.
I placed a calming hand on Kaelon's shoulder, my eyes never leaving Elenore's face. Her courage was impressive, standing up to beings of our power out of concern for her charge.
It boded well for the kind of loyalty my queen would inspire in the coming days. It was also a good protocol of protection because our enemies could easily try to impersonate our arrival to acquire what all the Courts desired.
That’s how precious my little Songbird is.
Before I could respond, the movement behind Elenore caught my attention. A young man –barely more than a boyin our viewpoint of age– and an elderly woman had appeared, drawn by the commotion. The boy moved protectively closer to Elenore, his stance betraying years of combat training despite his youth. I could see the shift in his appearance, the tidal waves between young and aged, similar qualities of the Portal Master.
Intriguing to see a future Portal Master in our midst.
The elder who walked forward was the one to truly captured my interest.
Her eyes, clouded with age but sharp with wisdom, widened in recognition. There was something in her gaze, a depth of understanding that spoke of knowledge far beyond her apparent years.
"My Lord Aetheron," the elder said, her voice cracking with age but filled with reverence.
Then, to my surprise and secret delight, she began to speak in a language I hadn't heard spoken fluently in centuries – the ancient tongue of the Fae, lost to most in this age of blurred boundaries and weakened magic.
"Shalath vor'en, thylar na'eth,"she intoned, the words flowing like liquid starlight."Kel'nor vas'tera, lira'eth sul'van."
I felt my eyebrows rise in surprise and no small amount of respect. The others in the room looked on in confusion, unable to understand the ancient tongue.
Switching to the Fae language myself, I responded, my voice carrying the resonance of power that was its birthright.
"Vash'na lor, elder. Thy'lar suvren ka'eth nol.
Welcome, elder. Your wisdom honors us. How came you by this ancient knowledge?
The elder's eyes sparkled with a mix of mischief and ancient sorrow.
"Shal'ven nor'eth, my Lord. Athy’ lar norvan ethlore. I nela’rove, keeper of ancienalora’ ravoke.”
The old ways endure, my Lord. The shadows remember, even when the light forgets. I am but a humble keeper of old ways.
I nodded, a newfound respect for this seemingly frail woman growing within me. Turning to the others, who were watching our exchange with a mixture of awe and confusion, I translated a portion of our conversation.
"She says, 'Welcome, Shadow Lord. The lost star returns to the night sky.' It's an old blessing, one I haven't heard in... a very long time." I didn’t see the need to explain the rest that was said. This was but a summary that would simply satisfy my subjects as we moved forward onto pressing matters.
The elder smiled, a knowing look in her eyes.
"Some of us remember the old ways, my Lord. We have waited long for this day."
I nodded, a decision forming in my mind.
These subjects, the protectors of my queen, deserved more than just my grudging acknowledgment. Their dedication in the face of forces they couldn't possibly comprehend was admirable.
"Your dedication is commendable. All of you,"I said, including Elenore and the boy in my gaze. "For your loyalty and sacrifice in protecting my... the Princess, I grant you temporary immunity to speak freely. Consider yourselves equals for the duration of this conversation."
I say those words while retreating the power that laced my revelation, proving that I meant what I had declared.
The shock on their faces was almost comical.
Kaelon shot me a questioning look, but I ignored it.
Sometimes, ruling required more than just the iron fist of authority. And in the days to come, we would need allies who were unafraid to speak their minds and act, regardless if it was deemed rebellious.
Turning back to the elder, I slipped once more into the Fae tongue, my curiosity piqued.