
Who is Sparrow?

As I drifted into unconsciousness, the world around me seemed to sing a lullaby. The melody was tender as if to comfort me as I struggled to grasp this identity crisis.

Voices whispered my name — dancing between Sparrow and Lirael — in voices of rustling silver. It sounded like the rustling of trees, which was odd when I was certainly underwater.

The water lapped at the shore, each wave a promise of adventures to come, which again, seemed odd, when I had to be sinking to my final destination of death.

And the sky, that impossible, beautiful sky, seemed to embrace me like a long-lost child finally returned to its mother's arms.

So maybe I wasn’t sinking…I could be floating.

I really couldn’t grasp what was reality and what was a fleeting dream, but I couldn’t fight this internal battle any longer. My will was too weak, my motives wavering with the uncertainty of what the future upholds, and I guess I feared I’d be walking a new path that left me feeling as though I’d be alone.

Only…deep down, I know I won’t be.

Not this time.

As the last tendrils of consciousness faded, I felt a smile curve my lips. It could be an act of insanity, or maybe determination to pull out from another challenge that begged to see my end.

I told myself whatever happened, this wouldn’t ruin me.

That I’d just have to defy the odds…like I always had.

Only, there would be a catch.

I wouldn’t lose me. Sparrow. No matter if this new world yearned for me to forget those vines of life and return to my roots where it all began.

There was a sense of rebellion bearing fruit within, and I was going to be the first to enjoy the juicy taste my resilience would deliver. If it meant I was broken —or different —so fucking be it.

I never was a rule follower. I certainly wouldn’t be in this world.

The game had changed.

This path had morphed into something more gratifying.

And if that meant keeping both sides of this new coin, I’d do exactly that and prove to this world and all those in it, that I could still be the entity they spoke of while maintaining the person I had been.

The person that brought me this far.

Internal acceptance gave me the confidence to give in to the clawing darkness — all my sensations fading, even as it felt like I was finally being pulled upward.

I allowed myself to rest —to dream of crystal spires and starlit skies, of power that flowed like water through my veins, and of a destiny that stretched out before me like an unwritten story, waiting to pick up the pen and begin.

Tomorrow would bring challenges and revelations.

But tonight, I’d allow myself to dwell in this brewing sensation.

The hum of joy one feels when they’re finally home…

The Rift Between Our Realms


My Queen is home.

I felt it the moment she crossed the veil.