“Oh yeah! I remember that madness. She beat Vincent in arm wrestling! That ruined his pride!” The bunch starts laughing as they begin walking, seemingly uncaring that they’re talking about me in front of Liam.Meaning, they didn’t see me?“I swear he made the poor girl suffer for months doing drills because he was mad.”
“She’s cool, honestly. We need her on this mission more than anyone. She snipes perfectly. Has a track record of never missing her target, ever.”
“Sparrows are known for their symbolism for freedom, resilience, and hope,” one of the guys admits. “Also heard in dark legends they also symbolize bad luck and death.”
“Sucks for her targets then,” one concludes with a chuckle.
“Well, clearly Liam ain’t her target ‘cause she keeps missing his obvious love for her.”
Laughter ignites down the hall, fading away as the men are off to do whatever prep is needed for the mission ahead.
Stillness greets us as the silence draws out. When I look up at Liam, I can see the hint of conflict raging in his eyes. Desire warred with duty, secrets with the need for truth.
“Liam?” I squeak his name, hoping no one else hears or potentially sees me. I’m inspecting him, realizing he does look a bit bigger. Wider shoulders? Like he suddenly went to the gym, worked out, and got some pumped muscles as a result. “Did you get bigger?” I have to tilt my head to see if I’m hallucinating.
“No.” He rolls his eyes almost hauntingly, making me pout in annoyance. He grunts in frustration before his lips take mineone more time. I don’t protest against it, feeling less anxious at the idea of us making out here.
Clearly, that group of scouts didn’t see us, so maybe Liam was hiding me perfectly and it just looked like he was sulking in front of a wall. I wasn’t going to take advantage of the angle, because someone could come from the other side.
Like Vincent or Marco or even Commander Reeves.
Didn’t want them to know my business, especially when I didn’t even know what the hell was happening between me and Liam.
Shit…are we a thing now?
It seemed as though everyone knew of some sort of connection we had — or realistically, whatever crush Liam has on me — while I was oblivious like a tree positioned in one direction, blocked from seeing the chaos happening behind its bark branches and earthy green leaves.
"When this mission is over," he said, his voice husky, "I'll tell you everything. About the prophecy…about what we are…what we’re destined to be with each other. I promise."
It disappoints me to wait, and he can see that in my gaze as I peer up at him. It’s why he grips my chin and gives me a toe-curling kiss that has me moaning quietly.
“Sparrow,” he warns in a low growl that sends goosebumps through me. “Those noises will be the death of me,” he grunts and gives me another quick kiss. “I swear, we won’t run from this anymore. We just have to face this mission at hand. I don’t want any more interruptions.”
He’s not the only one. No more interruptions with anything, especially when we get to kiss like this again.
I nodded, trying to ignore the way my body hummed with awareness of his proximity.
“When this is over,” I repeat to emphasize my point. “No more interruptions, no more secrets, no more running awayfrom…whatever this is,” I emphasize the last part so we make it a priority to discuss what our relationship is going to be after this mission.
Are we going to be official and if so, what does that mean with us here in the Underground?
A sad smile tugged at the corners of his mouth.
“We’ll talk about everything," he agreed. "I promise.” He lays a final kiss on my lips and very gently presses his forehead against mine. It’s odd to say it feels like such a familiar gesture.Like we’ve done this a thousand times before.Yet, it’s the first he’s done such. “And Sparrow? Whatever happens, know that I-" He cut himself off, shaking his head. "Just... be careful out there. Please."
“You’re overreacting,” I huff, but don’t hesitate to move in to hug him. He engulfs my small frame, hugging me far too tightly. I don’t know what’s going through his mind, but I know he just needs this touch.Craves this moment of intimacy while I reassure him that everything is going to be alright.“This is like any other mission. We go in, get the target, and we’re out.”
I pull away so he can see my confident gaze as I peer up to him.
“Plus, I’m the sniper. Far away from the scene of the crime. Only our team knows where I’ll be stationed, so it’s fine. I’ll be safe from the enemy’s eye.”
He slowly nods, understanding he’s probably overreacting but not saying anything more. Pulling away, he turns around to walk forward, but I notice how he offers his hand.
“Just a little bit,” he mutters and takes a slight peak behind to meet my intrigued gaze. I don’t say anything as a smirk forms on my swollen lips. They’re still tingling from the heated kisses we just experienced.
“A little bit,” I reassure him as I place my hand in his, allowing him to lead the way.
As we made our way to the armory to gear up for the mission, I couldn't shake the feeling that something fundamental had shifted between us. The air felt charged with potential, with unspoken truths and desires that threatened to overwhelm us both.