To my amazement, the fox didn't hesitate. It leaned forward, delicately taking the meat from my fingers. Its muzzle was softer than I expected, like velvet against my skin. As it ate, I couldn't resist reaching out to stroke its sleek fur.
The moment my hand made contact, a jolt of...something...ran through me.
It wasn't unpleasant — quite the opposite, in fact. It felt as if all the frazzled energy that had been building up inside me was suddenly soothed, replaced by a deep sense of calm andwell-being. The fog that had been clouding my thoughts cleared, leaving behind a clarity I hadn't realized I'd been missing.
"Wow," I breathed, marveling at the sensation. "You're something special, aren't you?"
The fox finished its treat and then, to my delight, pushed its head into my hand, clearly asking for more pets. I obliged happily, marveling at the silky texture of its fur. Up close, I could see that what I had thought was pure white actually had subtle variations – hints of midnight blue, black, and deep purple that shimmered when the light hit just right.
As I stroked the fox, I found myself talking to it, the words spilling out almost of their own accord.
"I don't suppose you have any insight into what's been happening to me, do you? Strange dreams, impossible speed, glowing tattoos that appear and disappear... It's like something out of a fantasy novel."
The fox's ears perked up at my words, and for a moment, I could have sworn I saw a flicker of... recognition? Understanding? But that was impossible. It was just a fox, after all.
Wasn't it?
A knock at my door startled me out of my reverie. I turned towards the sound, calling out, "Just a minute!"
When I looked back at the window, the fox was gone.
Not just gone from the sill, but the window itself had vanished, leaving only the solid concrete wall I knew should be there.
I blinked, rubbing my eyes in disbelief.
"What the hell?" I muttered.
Had I imagined the whole thing? But no – the empty turkey wrapper was still in my hand, proof that something had been here.
The knock came again, more insistent this time.
"Sparrow? You okay in there?" Liam's voice, tinged with concern, filtered through the door.
"Coming!" I called back, quickly tossing the wrapper in the trash and running a hand through my hair in a futile attempt to tame it.
I opened the door to find Liam leaning against the frame, a worried frown creasing his brow.
"Hey," I said, trying for a casual tone. "What's up?"
Liam's eyes scanned my face, then moved past me to take in the chaos of my room.
His frown deepened.
"Have you been in here all day? Elenore said she hadn't seen you at meals."
I shrugged, suddenly feeling self-conscious about my appearance. I was wearing nothing but a pair of old running shorts and a tank top, and I was sure I looked a mess.
"Lost track of time, I guess. Been doing some research."
Liam's gaze landed on the lab setup on my desk.
"Research, huh?” He doesn’t seem impressed. “Find anything interesting?"
There was something in his tone, a tension that hadn't been there before.
I narrowed my eyes, studying him more closely.
Liam had always been protective of me, but lately, it felt like there was something more going on. Something he wasn't telling me.