"Oh?" I couldn't quite keep the surprise from my voice.

"She needs someone who understands what it's like to defy expectations," he explained, his shadows creating complex patterns in the air. "Someone who's learned to own their power without compromising who they are." His lips curved in a slight smile. "Even if that means occasionally turning bigots into dancing, glitter-spreading tutus."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Well, when you put it that way, I suppose I am an excellent influence."

"Indeed." He turned slightly, surveying the garden. "Though perhaps we should discuss your role in what's to come. There are... complications on the horizon that will require all of her pack to be prepared."

My void energy stirred with interest. "I'm listening."

The garden settled into an anticipatory hush as Lord Aetheron began to speak, his shadows merging with my void energy in a display that made the very air crackle with potential.

Whatever was coming, I had a feeling those drunk nobles would soon be the least of our concerns.

"She has no idea what being an Omega truly means," Aetheron said, his shadows curling thoughtfully around a cluster of starlight jasmine. "In the human realm, she experienced... echoes, perhaps. Heightened senses, increased strength, unusual resilience. But nothing that would have prepared her for what's coming."

I settled on an ornate garden bench, crossing my legs as I considered his words. "The fact that she's drawn four court wolves is already causing whispers. I've heard the rumors in the void spaces between classes – everyone's speculating about her power."

"Four court wolves," he mused, golden eyes distant with ancient knowledge. "It hasn't happened in over a thousand years. The last time..." He paused, shadows deepening around him. "Well, let's just say the courts weren't prepared for the magical implications."

"Her first heat," I said bluntly, making several nearby flowers close their blooms in surprise at my directness. "That's what you're really worried about, isn't it?"

Aetheron's perfect features tightened slightly. "Without preparation, without understanding what's happening to herbody and power, it could be catastrophic. An Omega's first heat after awakening isn't just about physical changes – it's a magical convergence point."

"And with four wolves already bonded to her..." I let out a low whistle that made the void lilies shiver. "The energy surge could theoretically tear holes in reality itself."

"Precisely." He began pacing, his shadows creating patterns that spoke of barely contained concern. "In the human realm, her cycles were regulated by their medicines, their chemicals. Here? Those barriers are gone. Add in the stress of realm transition, the awakening of her powers..."

"It could trigger at any time," I finished, understanding dawning. "That's why you've been watching so carefully. Why you asked Helios to oversee her classes."

A flicker of something crossed his face at the mention of the Aether Lord, but he continued smoothly. "She needs to understand what she is before it happens. Needs to learn control, to recognize the signs. And her wolves?—"

"Need to be prepared to handle it without losing our minds?" I suggested dryly. "Or in this case, without losing control of our court magics and accidentally reshaping reality?"

"Your flippancy masks genuine understanding," he noted, giving me an appraising look. "You've studied Omega dynamics."

I shrugged, letting void energy dance between my fingers. "The void court library has extensive records. Plus, being the 'different' one meant I spent a lot of time reading instead of socializing. The theoretical mechanics of Omega heats across different court manifestations are actually quite fascinating."

"Then you understand why I'm concerned. Her human experiences..."

"Would be like comparing a candle to a supernova," I nodded. "I can talk to her in the morning, try to get a sense of hercycle patterns from the human realm. It might help us predict timing, give us a chance to prepare."

"You think she'll be comfortable discussing this with you?"

I couldn't help but smile, remembering our earlier skincare conversation. "She's already starting to open up about her human realm experiences, the suppressions and limitations she faced. This is just... another aspect of reclaiming her true nature."

Aetheron studied me for a long moment, his ancient power pressing against my void energy like he was testing something. Finally, he nodded. "Your pack bond with her is different from the males. More... nurturing, despite your chaos-loving nature. She'll need that balance in the days ahead."

"I'll watch over her," I promised, then added with a wicked grin, "And if anyone gives her trouble about being an Omega, well... these tutus can always come in other colors."

A rich laugh escaped him, making several shadow roses bloom instantly. "Your protection methods are unconventional, but effective." His expression sobered slightly. "Just... be careful. There are those in the courts who would see a four-wolf Omega as a threat to the established order. Especially one with her particular... heritage."

"You mean being Liarel's reincarnation?" I asked boldly, watching his shadows flicker at the name. "Or is there something else we should know about our Star Girl's background?"

"Perceptive," he murmured, more to himself than me. "But those are questions for another time. For now, focus on helping her understand her Omega nature. The rest..." His shadows swirled meaningfully. "The rest will reveal itself soon enough."

I stood, brushing imaginary dust from my impeccable suit. "I'll talk to her tomorrow, try to gauge where she is in her cycle. Though with the realm transition and power awakening, it couldbe delayed or accelerated. We'll need to watch for signs either way."

"Keep me informed," he said, already beginning to fade into shadow. "And Lady Nyx?" His golden eyes held mine for a moment. "Thank you. For being exactly what she needs in a pack mate."