"The first time it happened, I'd been cornered by some older void nobles who didn't appreciate my 'disruptive influence' on court traditions. Suddenly the ground starts shaking, and there's Cypress, barely old enough to control his elements, creating miniature earthquakes while shouting about 'leaving his friend alone.' Meanwhile, Solaris is standing there glowing like a supernova, trying to look intimidating despite being about as threatening as a baby phoenix."
The image made me laugh, which earned me another tap on the nose.
"Stop moving! This mask literally contains captured nebula essence. You want stars up your nose?"
"Sorry, sorry," I giggled. "But how did Liam fit into all this?"
"Ah, our broody shadow wolf," Nyx's galaxy eyes softened with fondness. "He actually came along later. By then, Cypress, Solaris, and I were thick as thieves. The infamous troublemakers of three courts. We met Liam during a formal gathering at the Convergence. He was all proper shadow court protocol, following his mentor around like a good little puppy."
She leaned back to admire her handiwork with the mask before continuing.
"But there was something in his eyes, you know? This barely contained wildness that called to all of us. Turned out he was just as desperate to break free from court expectations as we were. It just took him longer to admit it."
"So four misfits from different courts just...became a pack?" I asked, trying to imagine a younger, more reserved Liam.
Nyx's laughter filled the room like crystal wind chimes.
"Oh stars no, it was a disaster at first. Liam and Solaris were constantly at each other's throats. Aether and shadow instincts and all that. Cypress kept trying to play peacemaker while accidentally causing environmental catastrophes. And me?" She grinned wickedly. "I might have deliberately created void rifts under their feet whenever they got too annoying."
"But eventually?"
"Eventually we realized we were stronger together. That all the things our courts saw as weaknesses or flaws were actually what made us perfect as a pack." She stepped back, admiring her handiwork with the mask. "The same way all these different products work together to create something beautiful. Sometimes the most powerful magic comes from combining things that everyone else thinks should stay separate."
Her galaxy eyes met mine in the mirror, suddenly serious.
"That's why none of us hesitated when we felt the bond with you. We know what it's like to defy tradition, to create something new and wonderful from pieces that supposedly don't fit together."
I reached up to touch the mask, feeling its cool energy pulsing against my skin.
"Thank you," I said softly. "Not just for this, but for sharing that with me."
Deep down, I felt like this quiet confession involving the past was something normally Nyx would never share with just anyone. Her willingness to share with me, though, despite us barely knowing each other for a full day was much appreciated.
Made me feel as though I wasn’t simply an outsider. That we all had hurdles we needed to jump over to become the individuals we were destined to be, here and now.
Nyx's smile was radiant.
"That's what a pack is for, Star Girl. Now, just wait until I tell you about the time Cypress tried to impress a cute elemental noble and accidentally created a rainbow tornado..."
Midnight Shadows
"—and honestly, the way the moonstone essence creates micro-portals within your pores is absolutely fascinating. Did you know that when you mix it with crystallized starlight—" I emerged from the washroom, still patting my face with a void-silk towel, only to stop mid-sentence at the sight before me.
Sparrow had fallen asleep sitting up, her head tilted at what had to be an uncomfortable angle against the ornate headboard. The mask I'd applied earlier had absorbed completely into her skin, leaving behind a subtle glow that pulsed in rhythm with her steady breathing. Even in sleep, she radiated power – shadow and starlight dancing beneath her skin in delicate patterns.
"Oh, Star Girl," I murmured, my galaxy eyes softening at how young she looked in repose. All the tension she usually carried had melted away, replaced by a peaceful vulnerability that made my protective instincts surge. "Let's get you properly settled."
Moving with the fluid grace my void nature granted me, I approached the bed. Careful not to disturb her, I gently eased her down from her sitting position. She mumbled something inher sleep – something that sounded suspiciously like Aetheron's name – but didn't wake as I maneuvered her under the covers.
"Sweet dreams of your Shadow Lord," I teased quietly, though I couldn't help noting how my pack bond with her hummed contentedly at our proximity. It was different from what she shared with the male wolves – softer somehow, more nurturing. Like the void itself, I could cradle without consuming.
With a casual gesture, I pulled at the fabric of reality around us, creating pockets of deeper shadow that dimmed the room's ambient light. The star-crystals overhead dulled to a gentle glow, while the moon's radiance through the window became a subtle whisper rather than its usual bold statement.
Almost without conscious thought, I found myself weaving void energy around her sleeping form. The protection bubble took shape beneath my fingers – layers of cosmic power that would alert me instantly if anyone tried to harm her. It was instinctive, this need to shield her. Like my very essence recognized something in her that needed safeguarding.
"Rest well, little queen," I whispered, adding one final layer of protection that shimmered like captured galaxies. "Tomorrow's going to be interesting enough without you being sleep-deprived."