"Let us not get ahead of ourselves. The initial lack of response cannot be ignored."

"Indeed," Elder Crystallos of the Aether Court agreed, his crystalline features rigid with disapproval. "A true vessel of prophecy would have activated the scanner immediately."

My power pulsed with irritation at their willful blindness.

"A true vessel,"I said, making them all turn to acknowledge my arrival,"would have the wisdom to assess before acting. Or did you miss the calculating look in her eyes as she tested the scanner's sensitivity?"

"Always so quick to defend her, Lord Helios," Elder Crystallos sneered, his crystal features fracturing with disdain. "One might question your objectivity in this matter, especially with one who may look like the one you lost."

My power surged at his implied accusation, making the chamber's windows rattle.

"One might question your dedication to prophecy, Elder, given how eagerly you dismiss signs that don't fit your... comfortable narrative."

"Signs?" Elder Vex of the Void Court scoffed. "A delayed reaction and then system failure? Hardly the marks of a chosen one."

"No," I countered, my robes shifting through dangerous colors as I moved to the center of the chamber. "What we witnessed was perfect control. She assessed the scanner's capabilities, tested its limitations with minimal input, then demonstrated power levels that exceeded our measuring capacity with the smallest possible contact."

Lord Thanatos nodded slowly, void energy swirling around him.

"Strategic. Calculated. Like a warrior testing defenses before striking."

"Exactly," I agreed, pleased that at least one other Lord could see past ancient prejudices. "She's been trained to evaluate, tomeasure responses, to guard her power until necessary. It may have been in a different mundane aspect, but she unexpectedly applied the same principles in a new environment she knew nothing about. These are not weaknesses. They're survival skills honed in a world that would have destroyed her had she shown her full potential too soon."

Elder Moira stirred, her ancient eyes holding centuries of wisdom.

"You speak of her mundane realm training. The skills she developed as a... what did she call it? A contract operative?"

"An assassin, you mean," Elder Crystallos interjected. "Hardly fitting for?—"

"For what?"I cut him off, my voice carrying harmonics that made several Elders flinch. My power kept fluctuating in my tone of voice, despite my attempt to tame its essence."For your precious traditions? Your comfortable assumptions about female practitioners? Tell me, how many of our most revered prophecies speak of gentle, predictable vessels?"

The chamber fell silent as my power filled the space, making the very air crackle with celestial energy.

"She bears the mark of both shadow and aether. Commands the respect of wolves from all courts. Crossed realms without training or guidance. And yet you sit here, clinging to your precious protocols, questioning her worthiness because she doesn't fit your narrow expectations."

"The laws exist for a reason, Lord Helios," Elder Crystallos attempted to rally. "The traditions?—"

"The traditions,"I snarled, my patience finally snapping,"are exactly what blinded us the last time. Or have you forgotten the cost of your precious protocols?"

The words hung in the air like a physical force, making several of the assembled beings shift uncomfortably. They all knew what I referenced —who I referenced— though none dared speak of it directly.

"We will continue to observe all potential candidates," Elder Moira said diplomatically, though her ancient eyes held a knowing gleam. "Including your... unexpected student."

"There's nothing to observe,"I stated firmly, my power still making the air thick with tension."Sparrow is the one we've been waiting for. The signs are undeniable."

Elder Crystallos shifted, his crystalline form catching light unnecessarily — a nervous tell he'd never managed to control.

"Perhaps we should consider Lady Aurora's potential. Her Aether affinity scores were quite?—"

"Were quite predictable," I cut him off coldly, my iridescent robes darkening with irritation. "High Aether readings from a girl practically force-fed celestial magic since birth. How...revolutionary."

Professor Serra cleared her throat delicately.

"With all due respect to Lord Solarin's daughter," she began, referring to Aurora's absent father, "she's shown little innovation or true potential. Her power, while considerable, is..." she paused, searching for a diplomatic word.

"Inherited rather than earned," Lord Thanatos finished bluntly, his void energy swirling with amusement. "Like a child wearing her father's crown without understanding its weight."

"We will monitor the situation for one week," Elder Moira declared, effectively ending the debate. "Though I suspect, Lord Helios, you've already made your choice regarding her training."