The auditorium was a marvel of magical architecture, with each section clearly influenced by different courts. Shadow-wrought pillars stood alongside crystalline light structures, while void spaces created impossible dimensions between elemental-grown supports.
The overall effect was both breathtaking and slightly disorienting.
"Well, that was quite the orientation," Nyx whispered as the last professor — a stern-looking Void Court master named Umbra — finished introducing herself. "Though I notice they saved Lord Pretty Boy for last."
Indeed, Lord Helios had commanded attention during his formal introduction as the Advanced Celestial Manipulation professor, his iridescent robes somehow managing to outshine even the natural light in the room.
"At least we know why he's here now," Cypress mused, his elemental tattoos shifting restlessly. "Though I have a feeling teaching isn't his only motivation."
His ocean-deep eyes flickered meaningfully toward me.
"Can we not?" I groaned, still uncomfortable with the earlier implications of my supposedchemistrywith the Aether Lord.I’m already technically in a relationship with Lord Aetheron. Don’t get why there’s any implication I’d then need someone else on the love roaster.However, it felt interesting to see what a shift in romantic “popularity” I’m holding in these realms in comparison to the human realm. "We should focus on these scans everyone keeps talking about."
"Speaking of which," Solaris added, his sun-bright presence drawing attention from nearby students, "the scanning stations are divided by court. We should probably..."
"There you are!" a familiar voice called out.
We turned to see Elenore approaching with Finn in tow, both wearing academy uniforms that somehow accommodated their unique energies.
"Elenore! Finn!" I called out, genuinely happy to see their familiar faces. "I want you to meet some people." I gestured to my unusual entourage. Upon their arrival near us, I smiled warmingly before looking at my group. "These are my... well, they're..." I faltered, not quite sure how to describe our complex relationships.
Friends? Wolves? Pack? I’m not even sure what they wanted me to call them.
We should have gone over that and what all of this is before orientation, but can’t dwindle on the past.
"Her wolves," Nyx supplied helpfully, her galaxy eyes sparkling with mischief. "Well, most of us. Though Liam here nearly missed the whole thing, being too busy decorating aplanter with his breakfast after portal travel. His hissy fits are rather entertaining to witness if you ask me."
"I did not have a 'hissy fit,'" Liam growled, shadows curling defensively around him. "The portal transition was particularly rough today."
"Sure it was, Shadow Boy," Nyx teased. "That's why Sparrow and I handled it like the badass bitches we are, while you big strong alphas were green around the gills."
"These two," I interrupted, hoping to prevent another wolf squabble, "were actually the ones who helped me when I first came through the rift. Elenore's a healer, and Finn has portal master potential."
Cypress whistled, his elemental tattoos pulsing with interest.
"Portal master potential? No wonder you're here. That's rare even by our standards."
"Almost as rare as four court wolves all circling the same Omega," Elenore observed shrewdly, her knowing look making me blush.
"We're not circling," Solaris protested, though his sun-bright energy flickered tellingly. "We're just... ensuring her transition is smooth."
"Is that what we're calling it now?" Nyx snickered. "Because from where I'm standing, it looks an awful lot like?—"
"The scanning stations are this way," Finn interrupted diplomatically, though I caught his slight smile. "We should probably get going before the lines get too long."
As we started walking, Elenore fell into step beside me.
"You certainly know how to draw interesting company," she murmured. "Four court wolves, the attention of two Lords..."
"Don't," I groaned. I can only assume she and Finn witnessed my combative defiant confrontation with Lord Helios earlier. "I'm still trying to process everything myself."
"Process faster," Nyx called from ahead, her void energy swirling playfully. "Because something tells me these scans are going to make things even more interesting."
"The scanning process is quite fascinating," Finn explained as we approached the stations, his eyes lighting up with technical enthusiasm. "It's designed to read not just your current power levels, but your potential across all magical frequencies."
We watched as a student stepped into what looked like a crystalline chamber, various courts' energies swirling around them in a diagnostic dance.
"According to the Portal Master," Finn continued, "it only shows a fraction of what you're truly capable of. They keep it limited to prevent anyone from being targeted for their full potential. Quite clever, really."