She started walking backward toward the Portal Master, each step somehow bending light around her.
"Besides, I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Had to make sure my new favorite Omega was being properly taken care of."
The protective note in her voice was subtle but unmistakable. Despite her playful demeanor, there was steel beneath —a wolf's determination to protect what was hers.At least, that’s the best way I could describe what came to my head.
"Now then," she clapped her hands together, the sound echoing strangely through multiple dimensions, "shall we get on our way so we can get started with today's admission? I promise to use the proper portals from now on." She paused, then added with a grin, "Well, mostly promise. Let's say I'll think about it very seriously."
Something told me that was a lie.
Still, it made me grin far too wide.
"I'll ensure Lady Nyx completes the proper documentation," Kaelon announced, his galaxy eyes promising strict adherence to protocol. She didn’t seem to mind as she shrugged and began to skip away. As he followed the void wolf, I could have sworn I heard Nyx say something about "paperwork accidentally falling into a void rift."
Once alone, the nervous energy I hadn’t realized was brewing tightly in my chest and bubbling to the surface.
"I'm not sure I'm ready for this," I admitted, fidgeting with the starlight crystals woven into my uniform. I was speaking my thoughts out loud, something I didn’t normally do when I felt this way.
Something as simple as school shouldn’t have made me feel this anxious but maybe because this was a big deal to me.
I want to do this right. Not to fuck up…or let people down. What if I screw this all up and end up having to return? No…there’s nowhere to return to if I go back. There’s no one to return to.
Nothing as welcoming as it had been here in the Twilight Court.
Just the idea of going back to being the “non-existent” sniper everyone enjoyed using for missions but nothing more made my hands feel clammy.
Aetheron crossed the space between us with fluid grace, his shadows dancing around us both.
“Breathe, little Songbird,” the depths of his calming voice infiltrated through all the building doubt, my eyes immediately seeking his. I’m sure he can see the panic in the depths of my pupils. How much fear I’d buried for so many years, finally coming out at the idea of not being good enough.
"You look beautiful," he said softly, his golden eyes taking in every detail of my academy attire.
I felt confused by the change of subject, but then, maybe this was his way of distracting me.To get my mind off how frightening all of this change is for me.
How difficult I’m struggling adapting to all of this, despite the excitement surrounding it all.
"The uniform suits you. Though I suspect you could make anything look regal."
The compliment brought heat to my cheeks, but it was the way he looked at me that made my heart race as I began to focus my attention on him and not anything else.
His attentive gaze always made me feel so vital to his life. He stepped closer, his hands coming up to cup my face with infinite tenderness.
"May I?" he whispered, his thumbs stroking my cheekbones as his eyes dropped to my lips. He didn’t need to ask permission, and yet he did.
Knowing closeness could trigger me.
Yet, knowing I yearn for his closeness.
For his touch.
For an escape…even just a few seconds.
The gesture made my heart swell. Even now, after everything, he still asked. Still made sure I was comfortable, acknowledging that I was still adapting to all of this while still forging my own path.
"You may—," I started to say, but the words were caught by his lips meeting mine. The kiss was intense yet brief, somehow managing to convey both passion and restraint.
Allowing myself to dwell in passionate touch, his shadows wrapped around us like a protective cocoon, making the moment feel intimate despite our surroundings.
When he pulled back slightly, his eyes had taken on a hooded molten quality that made my knees weak.