Strength alone would not be enough in the trials to come. We would need to be adaptable, and willing to bend without breaking.
“May I add my Lord?” the elder returned to the common dialect. "Your first bond shall be... potent, a force of nature unto itself, nearly magnetic in its pull. Heed this counsel: steel thy will against the temptations that may trail in its wake."
“I can resist temptation,” I note, almost in mockery. I noticed Kaelon’s smirk with a side glance that quickly had him clearing his throat.
“Yes, that’s true, my Lord,” the elder agrees. “However, you’ve never been able to resist your wife.” Amazing how she’d wield such information against me. "Hope is but a flicker, and I hold little faith it shall shift now."
I had to fight not to grimace at her lack of hope in me, but I didn’t argue with her wise words either.
Elders of her caliber are more than just vast knowledge. She has foresight, at least enough to look at me at one glance and see what the future has in store.
Finally, we reached a door at the end of a short hallway.
Elenore paused her hand on the knob and looked back at me.
"She's still unconscious," she warned. "The transition was... intense. We're not sure when she'll wake up, but she’s stable and in good health."
I nodded, steeling myself for what lay beyond. Though her assurance was granted, I needed to see my Queen for myself.
"Open it," I commanded softly.
The door swung open, and there she was.
Lying on a simple bed, her dark hair spread out on the pillow like a fan of shadow, was my Lirael.
My queen. My heart. My gleaming Starlight.
Even in sleep, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Her face, so familiar yet changed by her time in the human world, was peaceful in repose. But I could see the faint lines of stress around her eyes, the slight furrow in her brow that spoke of the challenges she had faced.
I moved to her bedside, barely aware of the others in the room.
That was the effect she always carried upon me. A hypnotic grasp that made all eyes fall upon her, proving the level of power she carried in this domain.
But between us, it was special. Sacred. Untouchable in comparison.
Truthfully, she and one other were the only two worthy of having that effect on me.
I dare to admit.
Reaching out, I gently brushed a strand of hair from her face, marveling at the softness of her skin. The touch sent a jolt through me, a connection reforged after centuries apart.
"Lirael," I whispered, her true name a prayer on my lips. "My love. I'm here. You're safe now."
As if in response to my voice, she stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping her lips. The others in the room held their breath, watching the reunion of a king and his long-lost queen with a mixture of awe and trepidation.
I knew from how weak her aura was that she wouldn’t wake so soon. She needed time to rest — to heal from the ripples she tore to fall into these realms and into our stronghold — which meant I had to force myself to be patient.
I’ve been steadfast for centuries. Only a few more hours and I’ll know where I stand with my Queen.
The elder's voice, once again in the ancient tongue, broke the silence.
"Shal'ven nor'eth, thylar ka'nor. Thar’vaen vel’ora, da’lethran astra var’thel. But tor’lanor, Kha’zar Vel. Lir’then var’ael ithar’val, na’reth tir’vael dal’khor il’vaeth chaos."
It begins, the great cycle. The wheel turns, and the lost star rises. But beware, Shadow Lord. Light and dark must balance, lest the world fall to chaos.
I turned to her, my hand still resting gently on Lirael's cheek.
"Vash'nor thy'lar, an’vethara. Thy'larth el'enar mel'lenar. But hei'shara – sha’lin rendar el’thar nar’len na’thar in’eth sha’relin."