"It would be more... equitable," Elder Moira acknowledged, though some of the other Elders still looked resistant. "And would prevent any accusations of...institutional bias."
"A month of preparation serves multiple purposes,"Aetheron spoke, his shadows intertwining thoughtfully with my celestial energy in a way that made several Council members shift uncomfortably.
It was a reminder of how powerful we were together, despite our differences. That’s also could be why he kept allowing his energy to be laced in his speech.
"Indeed," I agreed, surprising many with my support of my supposed rival. "Those of us tasked with specialized training would benefit from observing potential candidates in foundational settings first. It would make the selection process for private instruction more...efficient."
Professor Serra brightened at our unified front.
"Exactly! We could structure the month in phases. Week one: Basic Energy manipulation and court affinity testing. Week two: Magical Theory and Historical Context. Week three: Beginning Combat and Defensive Magic. Week four: Preliminary Specialized Skills based on Demonstrated Aptitudes."
"This would also allow us to identify those with multiple court affinities," Professor Umbra added, her void energy swirling excitedly. "Like certain students who've already displayed...interesting combinations."
The pointed reference to Sparrow made Elder Crystallos bristle, but before he could object, I continued smoothly.
"Moreover, it would give the professors time to properly evaluate which students might benefit from specific types of instruction. Private lessons are, after all, a significant investment of our time and energy."
"And those of us with other court duties,"Aetheron added with a meaningful look at the Council,"would be better able to balance our responsibilities if we weren't rushing to identify suitable candidates while simultaneously preventing magical accidents from unprepared students."
Elder Moira nodded in approval, everyone seemingly liking the overall new direction we were going.
One month to get Sparrow and her pups to learn this world’s customs in preparation for this trial.
As the meeting disbanded, Elder Crystallos couldn't resist one final barb.
"How convenient that the Lord of Twilight and Shadows appears precisely when his...interests are being discussed. One might question the security of our Council chambers."
Aetheron turned slowly, his shadows dancing with dangerous amusement.
"I sensed a certain woman’s energy spike with a potential threat. You'll forgive me if I felt compelled to investigate, especially when I’m responsible for her wellbeing despite being on neutral grounds."His molten eyes glittered with malice barely masked by politeness."After all, it is her first day of academy life. What kindof potential partner would I be if I didn't ensure her comfort and safety?"
“P-Partner,” Elder Crystallos gasped. “You’d make a move on a woman you barely know? Your heart must still ache after all these centuries.”
“That’s where I beg to differ,”Aetheron confesses.“For my soul knows that woman inside out. My shadows heed her call like her twilight sings in my presence. I know the presence of my wife reborn. It’s only the rest of you who wish to appease your doubts and fears and prolong acknowledging who the chosen one really is.”
The gathered professors and remaining Council members held their breath as Aetheron's smile turned predatory.
"Though I suppose you wouldn't know much about that, would you, Crystallos? Hard to understand the bonds of marriage when one's heart is quite literally crystal."
Several gasps echoed through the chamber.
Everyone knew of Crystallos's failed attempts at marriage — his inability to form emotional connections had become something of a whispered legend in the courts.
The Elder's crystal form fractured with fury, light refracting through his anger.
"How dare you?—"
"As enlightening as this exchange promises to be," I interrupted, my iridescent robes shifting with barely contained power, "Lord Aetheron and I have other matters to attend to. The Elders, in their infinite wisdom, have requested we demonstrate more...teamwork."
The word dripped with sarcasm, though whether directed at the Elders' request or our notorious history, even I wasn't entirely sure.
"Indeed,"Aetheron agreed smoothly, his shadows already reaching for my celestial energy in a display that made several onlookers step back."Though I'm sure Elder Crystallos will find some way to twist even this into court conspiracy."
Without waiting for a response, we turned and left the chamber, our combined powers making the very air crackle with potential.
The last thing we heard was Elder Crystallos's spluttering attempts at a retort, cut off by Elder Moira's sharp reprimand.
I’m Trusting You With My Starlight