“Now this is gold!”
The grand portal exit that led us right to the heart of the academy materialized around us in a swirl of multiple court energies.
While Nyx and I stepped through with ease, the scene before us was...less than dignified.
Liam, my usually ready to tackle whatever came our way during suicidal missions, was bent over a decorative planter, losing what appeared to be his entire breakfast.
Next to him, Solaris —the so-called mighty Aether wolf from Nyx’s commentary— wasn't faring much better, his sun-bright complexion having taken on a distinctly greenish tinge.
"Oh, this is precious," Nyx cackled, her galaxy eyes sparkling with mischief. "The big bad wolves, taken down by a little portal jump. Quick, Sparrow, we should document this moment for posterity."
I was fighting not to laugh, but I did worry whether they were alright. Nyx had warned me that the portal could make you dizzy if not portal-sick, but I was feeling fine.
"Are you both okay?" I asked, genuinely concerned despite Nyx's amusement. It was strange seeing these grovel men who were ready looking so...vulnerable.
Solaris attempted to straighten, his usual radiance somewhat dimmed. "I'm perfectly—" he started, then swallowed hard, "...fine."
"Liar," Liam groaned, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "That was worse than void walking."
Around us, other students were in similar states of distress.
Some had passed out completely, being tended to by academy healers who seemed thoroughly unsurprised by the situation.They casually walked in red robes, attending to the sick or scooping the unconscious like it was an easy chore to complete.Other students were sitting on the floor, heads between their knees, while a few were following Liam's example with the planters.
"Why weren't we affected?" I asked Nyx, watching the chaos unfold.
She grinned, her multicolored hair catching impossible light.
"You're a natural realm walker, Star Girl. And I'm, well... me. We're built for this kind of travel. The others?" She gestured at our struggling wolf companions. "They're too grounded in their own courts. Makes the transition... uncomfortable."
Star Girl. Hmm. Kind of like the nickname.
"I hate you both," Solaris muttered, though there was no real venom in his voice.
Once Liam and Solaris had somewhat recovered, we made our way from the portal chamber into the academy property. Individuals in cloaks of red, gold, and teal encouraged our movement, until we were in the heart of this massive place.
The sight literally took my breath away.
The main atrium soared impossibly high, its ceiling a living tapestry of all four courts' magic.
Shadow and Aether danced together, while void energy created mesmerizing patterns that elemental forces wound through like living ribbons. The floor beneath our feet was made of a material I'd never seen before — something that seemed to shift between crystal, shadow, pure energy, and living earth with each step.
It was remarkable, leaving my imagination in immense wonder as to what more could be discovered in this vast world.
"Welcome to the Convergence," Nyx said, spreading her arms dramatically. "Where all courts meet and magically get interesting."
"You mean where magic gets nauseating," Liam grumbled, though his color was finally returning to normal. His shadow energy was starting to respond to the environment, curling around him protectively.
Solaris, looked more like himself as he pointed to the different wings branching off from the central atrium.
"Each direction aligns with a different court. North for Aether," he gestured to a section that seemed built from crystallized sunlight, "South for Shadow," indicating towers of living darkness, "East for Elemental," where nature itself seemed to form the architecture, "and West for Void," where reality itself appeared to bend and warp.
"And we all have to learn to work together," I mused, watching students in different court colors moving between the sections.
Well, the ones who weren't still recovering from portal sickness.
"That's the theory," Nyx smirked. "Though some handle it better than others. Watch this."