"Did you ever worry?" I asked, pressing closer to his warmth. "About the responsibility, the power, all of it? I don’t know…being such a powerful key figure in this world seems frightening because the balance is in your hands. Especially…well, I feel like this world may be the same as mine when it comes to assuming women can’t be powerhouses."

He gave me a look that proved my assumptions were absolutely correct, but he peered upward as he got lost in answering the question.

"Every day," he admitted genuinely. "But Liarel... she had a way of making even the most daunting challenges seem manageable. When the Void Court threatened war, she suggested we host a midnight feast instead. It sounded like chaos was going to erupt at the idea of dining with those who wished for our end, but how something so simple turned out to be a healing solution for our Courts. Turned bitter enemies into reluctant allies over dishes that defied reality itself."

His eyes focused on mine intently.

"She would be proud, you know. Of how you're handling all of this. Your strength, your adaptability…they mirror hers, yet remain uniquely yours."

“Thanks for the compliment,” I whisper, wondering if I can get more from him. About how they possibly met. "Tell me about your first meeting," I whispered, enchanted by the way his expressions shifted with each memory.

The shadows around us had grown more active, responding to his emotional state, and creating vivid pictures in the airaround us. So many squares, showing various scenes using flickers of light that illuminated and played out like various films.

His laugh was rich and deep, rumbling through his chest where I pressed against him. He didn’t know where to start as his eyes enjoyed the display his shadows had manifested, but I saw the flicker of similarity in his gaze before he closed his eyes briefly.

"I was...less refined then. All shadow and storm, believing power meant control. She appeared during a court session where I was," he paused and opened his eyes, looking slightly embarrassed, "rather forcefully expressing my displeasure with some minor lords."

"Expressing your displeasure?" I raised an eyebrow, enjoying this glimpse of this embarrassed Lord Aetheron. It looked like an expression very few got a glimpse of, especially in his position of power and might.

"Let’s just say, a group of tedious sinners decided to be very verbal with their disappointment when it came to my potential ruling. It didn’t rid them of their countless actions to make me look like a horrendous individual or how they worked overtime to aid their companion in trying to claim my seat of power.” He shrugged slightly. “I may have been in the process of turning them into shadow creatures," he admitted, his fingers trailing down my spine in a way that made me shiver.

Ah. I guess that’s what he may have to do when it comes to rebellious subjects.

"Then suddenly, there was light. Pure, brilliant light that cut through every shadow in the throne room. And there she stood, radiating power like a newborn star, looking at me with such... disappointment."

“D-Disappointment?” I’m flabbergasted at the simple yet striking world. I was envisioning it all in my mind, so for it to reach this part of the unfolding love story felt…surprising.

The shadows swirled more definitively now, and I could almost see the scene unfold as the gleaming flickers of light attempted to create the scene with immense detail — a younger Aetheron, all barely contained power and rage, confronted by a short female woman, a being of pure light and authority.

"She walked right up to my throne," he continued, his voice filled with remembered awe, "completely ignoring the fact that I could have obliterated her with a thought. She looked me in the eye and said, 'If this is how the future Lord of Shadows conducts his court, perhaps he needs a queen to teach him proper manners.'"

I muffle a laugh, which shifts to a snicker, trying not to be so amused but it’s the sour expression on Lord Aetheron’s face that made me giggle.

"And you didn't obliterate her?" I teased, tracing the smile lines at the corner of his mouth.

"I couldn't," he said softly, though he didn’t sound very disappointed in how fate went. "The moment our eyes met... it was like finding a piece of myself I hadn't known was missing. I’m not sure if you’d call it love at first sight, but all that anger and rage suddenly melted. Like it was all insignificant. Even my shadows reached for her light instinctively, just as they reach for yours now."

As if to demonstrate, the shadows wrapped around us tightened slightly, caressing my skin with touches that felt like silk and smoke combined. His hand cupped my face, thumb stroking my cheekbone with infinite tenderness.

"Oddly enough, I feel you’d have the same effect on me," he murmured more to himself. "That ability to cut through my darkness, to challenge me, to make me want to be... more."

I sat up in bed, the shadowsilk sheets pooling around my waist as I tried to put my tumultuous feelings into words. It was interesting how I didn’t feel odd being naked before him.

In fact, this was as comfortable as I’d ever been with any other man who got the chance to share the same bed as me for a night.

"It's strange," I began, watching how the eternal twilight played across my skin. I was expecting to feel sort of shy to tell him what I’ve endured in secrecy for so long, but I didn’t feel an ounce of worry admitting what I was about to. '“When I used to be in the depth of missions, I’d hear a voice warning me of danger. Warning me not to go down this path or to aim higher…better…make decisions in the peak of a moment where my life would be at risk.”

I think of the various scenarios, now understanding the underlying power involved in helping me.

“I thought it was instinctive, but I guess it was her…or well, her energy protecting me. Just to feel her essence, like echoes of memories that aren’t quite mine. Truthfully, I assumed maybe there was something wrong with me. Thinking all the trauma I’d been through and continued to gather like trophies was making me envision a life where I didn’t have to fight to survive. Where…I didn’t have to be Sparrow.”

He peers into my eyes, not stopping himself from caressing my cheek as if to remind me of his presence.

“I wished to interfere,” he dares to admit, his words barely reaching the surface.Frightened to be heard other than from my ears alone. "Yet, I couldn’t ruin the path you were destined to walk upon. I couldn’t interfere in what was woven and enforced to allow you to reach this realm.”

“I get it,” I whisper, feeling a sense of comfort knowing he actually did wish to help me, but knew it wouldn’t reach us to this blossomed conclusion. “Honestly…I’m glad you didn’t.I needed to go through what I did, even if it was painful. My reality shaped me to be Sparrow. To be a woman who doesn’t easily conform to the world’s standards and desires for women. I’m proud of that, and you know, I think Liarel was proud of me, too.”

Smiling, I close my eyes for a moment while I let my hand reach over to press across my heart.