I take his hand and press a soft kiss to his palm. “I love you, Dante. And nothing would make me happier.”
This time, when my eyes blink shut, I let them.
In Dante’s arms, I knowI’m safe.
“Sarah, you’re going to make me drive off the road if you keep doing that.”
I glance away from the road for a second to give her a gently stern look. “I’d like to get you home safely and not end up in a ditch because you distracted me.”
She widens her eyes at me, the picture of innocence, but a mischievous smile pulls at her lips. “What are you talking about? I’m just sitting here.”
“Oh,really?” Skepticism tinges my voice. “So you just have your hand there because…”
“My hand?” Out of the corner of my eye, I see her smile spread into a wide grin. “I’m just resting it on your leg. Isn’t that okay?”
I can’t keep a straight face as I reply, “Your hand isn’t resting. Far from it.”
Sarah inches her hand up my thigh before lightly cupping my growing arousal. Even through layers of fabric, her touch sends pulses of need shooting through me. The desire I’ve been trying to contain for the last six weeks makes a desperate attempt to escape, straining against her tempting caress.
Need throbs, deep and heavy.
“Don’t you like it?” She adds a bit of pressure and I jerk against her hand, causing my foot to slip off the gas for a second. The car slows and Sarah giggles; a light, happy sound.
Fortunately, she waited until we got on the access road to Blade and Arrow, so there’s no one behind us to complain about my driving. “Sarah.” This time I take her hand and press a soft kiss to her palm. “I love it when you touch me. But maybe wait until we get home?”
Or maybe I’ll just pull over to the side of the road and forget about this wholeget back to the apartmentthing. If I push the seat all the way back, and Sarah climbs on top of me…
Oh. Have my jeans shrunk since I put them on? Because it feels like I’m about to burst through them.
Sarah turns and beams at me. “I’m just so happy. Six weeks has been way too long.”
“It has been a long time,” I agree. “But it was important you didn’t risk your recovery.”
“I know.” As we stop at the security gate, she waits until I finish entering the complicated code before continuing, “You’re not going to say we have to keep waiting, are you? Because the doctor said my ribs are healed. You heard him. I’m cleared for all regular activities.”
“Well…” I draw it out, my lips twitching as I try not to smile. “Maybe we should wait another week just to be sure…”
“Dante!” Sarah swats my arm and narrows her eyes at me. “You’d better be joking.”
“Of course I am.” This time I reach over to touch her leg, letting my fingers trail up to the apex of her thighs. As she sucks in her breath, I add, “I’ve been thinking about making love to you for weeks. About peeling your clothes off and touching you all over. About sinking deep inside you, feeling you wrappedaround me, hearing those sexy sounds you make, seeing you come apart…”
“Oh.” A flush creeps across her cheeks. “That sounds—” Another quick inhale as I work my fingers against her welcoming heat. “Really good.”
“Onlygood?” I pull into the garage and shut the car off. Arching my eyebrows at her, I add with a little smirk, “That doesn’t sound very enthusiastic.”
“More than good,” Sarah breathes. Her lips part. Desire heats her gaze as she looks at me. “Incredible. I want you, Dante. Right now.”
I’m not sure we’re going to make it to the apartment.
Six weeks of holding Sarah, kissing her, showering with her, spending an inordinate amount of time looking at the sweet curve of her ass and the pert swell of her breasts, sleeping with her wearing just my old ROTC T-shirt and a tempting expanse of bare legs…
While I wouldn’t have done anything to risk Sarah’s recovery, I’ve been waiting for the doctor’s all clear just as eagerly as she has. And the distance from the garage to our apartment seems entirely too far.