“No. Something much better.”
At least, I hope it is. After weeks of planning and conspiring with Dante’s dad, I’m really,reallyhoping this surprise is a success.
When Pete comes back over with the little box in his hand, I start getting nervous. What if it doesn’t look like it did in the photos? What if it’s not as special as I think it is?
As Dante opens the box, my breath catches.
Please let him like this.
At first, there’s silence.
My heart drops to my feet.
And then a stunned, “Sarah. Is this what I think it is?”
“It’s supposed to be an authentic overcoat button. From the Continental Army. Your dad said you always wanted one, and Pete does metal detecting on his property just north of here, so he had it in his collection, and?—”
“Sarah.” Dante pulls me into his arms. “This is incredible. And it’s in fantastic shape?—”
“Best condition I’ve seen one in,” Pete interjects. “I wouldn’t have sold it, but this young lady here said it was for a veteran, and I’ll always support the armed forces.”
Dante pulls back to gaze at me, wonder and joy lighting his eyes. “Thank you, Sarah. This is amazing. I love it.”
“Good.” Happiness fizzes through me. “I’m so glad.”
When we leave the store, this time Dante leads the way, guiding me off the main road and towards the path to the lake. I get a taste of my own medicine as I ask, “Where are we going?” and he just gives me an enigmatic smile.
“You’ll see,” he says with a little smirk, then jerks out of the way as I swat at him.
As we get closer to the shore, he turns to me, his expression sliding into something more serious. “I have a surprise for you, actually. I wasn’t sure when I’d give it to you, but we’re here at the lake, and it’s such a gorgeous day, and I just… well. I don’t want to wait anymore.”
We walk out onto the pier overlooking Shepard Park Beach, and it’s actually empty, which is surprising considering how nice a day it is. But I’m not complaining; this is one of my favorite spots in the village. Standing here, I can see the cruise ships and boats ready to launch, the parasails dotting the sky above the lake, kids running on the beach, shrieking when the cold water hits their toes…
It’s not peaceful, exactly, but I love it just the same.
“I remembered you saying this is one of your favorite places in Lake George,” Dante says. He glances out at the water before turning back to me. Swallowing hard, he continues, “I kept trying to think of the perfect spot. I looked at hotels and boats and even a hot-air balloon ride. But they didn’t seem… right.”
My heart jumps. “Right for what?”
But I think—Ihope—I might know.
“Right.” Dante blushes, and my heart turns to melty sweet goo again. “I’m doing this in the wrong order. I wanted to be romantic, and—” He shakes his head. “I’m messing it up.”
“You couldn’t.” Catching his hand, I thread my fingers between his. “What did you want to be romantic?”
After a long pause, he says, “I don’t always do the most romantic things?—”
“Yes, you do. All the time.”
“I guess… I wish I could be more eloquent. But everything I think of to say doesn’t come close to how I really feel about you.”
My hopes are balanced on a tightrope, waiting.
“I’ll just say it.” Dante takes both my hands. His gaze is filled with so much love, words aren’t necessary to tell me how he feels about me. “No pretense. Just?—”
He drops to his knee.
Everything stops.