When Tamara wraps up her smug explanation of how she drugged me, I croak out desperately, "What about my cell phone? It wouldn't work."

"Oh." She grins. "Cell phone jammer. Illegal, but so easy to find..."

Keep her talking.

I just need more time.

Please, Dante.

I love you. I want to spend my life with you. I want to marry you one day.

Please, hurry.



I’m so fucking scared.

My Sarah—myheart—is at the mercy of a woman set on revenge.

In the forty minutes since we left the hotel, the reality of the situation has become terrifyingly clear. Blake Morris wasn’t just an unemployed drug addict living with his sister in Boston.

He was the man who assaulted Sarah in college.

Somehow, he convinced Tamara that Sarah was to blame. That she’d made up the accusations against him, andhewas the innocent victim.

Because of Blake’s lies, the woman I love more than my own life is in terrible danger.

What is Tamara doing to her? What has she done already?

What if I’m already too late?

Speeding to the brink of recklessness, we’re now less than ten miles from Sarah, but it feels like we’re light years away.

So much could happen in the time it takes to reach her.

And with every minute, each mile, the terror inside me grows bigger.

The same question keeps ricocheting madly around my head.

What if I’m too late?

What if Tamara isn’t taking Sarah to the middle of nowhere to hurt her? What if she already has? What if?—

No.I can’t think about that. Sarah has to be okay.

With the help of my team, I’m going to bring Sarah home, where I can take care of her. I’ll hold her through the nightmares, tend to any injuries she has—shit, please let her not be too badly hurt—and do whatever it takes to make sure she’s okay. Movie marathons. Home-cooked meals. Flowers. Presents. Jewelry.Anything.

A tidal wave of emotion sweeps over me, stealing my breath.

Please let her be okay.

“Six miles out.” Rhiannon turns her attention from the laptop to look at me. “From the satellite images, it looks like the best rendezvous point is about a quarter mile down the road. There’s a mobile home in foreclosure—from the looks of it, abandoned—and if we park behind it, we should have decent cover.”

Erik leans forward between the front seats to peer at the screen. “I don’t love the open area between that house and the one Sarah’s in. What if Tamara is watching for us? There’s not enough tree cover for us to make a stealth approach.”

Quickly glancing at the laptop, I notice the expanse of grass and brush Erik’s talking about; definitely not tall or thick enough to hide us. “If we have to go to the road and approach from the other side, we can do that. But there’s a possibility Tamara has no idea we’re coming. If she doesn’t know about the earrings…”