I’m not sure I can forgive myself, anyway.
What was I thinking, taking Sarah away from the safety of Blade and Arrow? Why didn’t I just arrange for a date here, like Niall did when Jade was under our protection? But no, I wanted to impress her, and I ended up putting her in danger instead.
“I’m okay, Dante. Really.” Sarah gives me a small smile, unsuccessfully hiding her wince as the movement tugs against the cut on her lip. Which makes me feel terrible all over again.
“Still.” I sink down on the couch beside her, my eyes narrowing as I inspect her swollen lip. “I just want to be absolutely sure you’re alright.”
“You already did.” She catches my hand, slipping her smaller one inside it. “We did everything the emergency room would have. And I’m fine. Some bruises and a little cut inside my lip, but that’s not a big deal.” A beat, and then, “I still can’t believe you guys have an actual X-ray machine in your clinic.”
Our medical clinic on site at the ranch is the only reason I didn’t override Sarah’s wishes and take her to the emergency room, anyway. Complete with a portable X-ray machine, a defibrillator, heart monitoring equipment, and a stockpile of first aid supplies, it’s enough to treat most minor injuries.
The paramedics at the scene were ready to take both me and Sarah to the hospital as a precaution, but she gave me this wide-eyed, pleading look and said quietly, “Please, Dante. I reallywant to go home. It’s just some bruises. You can keep an eye on me, can’t you?”
How could I say no? Especially given that I knew several of the firefighters at the scene, and they agreed with Sarah’s assessment. “Unofficially,” one of them told me in a quiet aside, “I think she’s fine to go home. Ice her lip, have her take some over-the-counter pain meds, and get plenty of rest. She’ll be sore for a while, but that’s all.”
It sounded good at the time, especially since I was itching to get Sarah back to headquarters, where I knew she’d be safe.
But now? After decades of having to make life or death decisions, sometimes with only seconds to consider them, I’m doubting myself.
And I’m feeling guilty.
“Dante.” Sarah climbs onto my lap and snuggles against my chest, and my arms come carefully around her. “I’m okay. The only place I want to be is right here, with you.”
The giant hand squeezing my chest eases a little.
Pressing a soft kiss to the top of her head, I breathe in the lingering scent of her shampoo and memorize the feel of her silken hair against my lips.
I’ll never be more thankful than this moment, holding Sarah after knowing how close I came to losing her.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” I murmur. “I’m sorry I took you out?—”
“No.” She jerks her head up so quickly, she almost whacks me in the nose. “It isnotyour fault. You took me on a wonderful date. And you did everything you could to make it safe.”
“Not enough.”
“Youdid.” Regret darkens her eyes. “You know this is because of me?—”
But she’s interrupted by a quick series of knocks at the door. Still holding Sarah, I lean over to grab my phone off the coffeetable, then open the security app to see Matt and Xavier standing outside with matching somber expressions.
Sarah tenses in my arms. “Who is it?”
“Matt and Xavier.” I lift her off my lap and set her on the cushion beside me. Standing, I say, “They probably have news. I asked Matt to head over to the impound lot to look at the car, and Xav was going to speak with the police.”
Both are things I’d normally be involved with, but not this time. No way. While Matt and Xavier headed into San Antonio, I stayed here to take care of Sarah. Three hours later, she’s showered, changed—wearing my Army sweatshirt, which I love seeing on her—and situated on my couch with a blanket and an ice pack for her lip.
Before heading to the door, I lean over and brush a light kiss across her forehead. “I can talk to them in the hallway. So you don’t have to worry about this right now.”
Her eyebrows jump up and she gives me anare you crazylook. “Not worry? I don’t think that’s possible. And I want to hear whatever they found out.”
I’m not surprised by her response. But I have a feeling my suspicions are about to be confirmed, and the guys have proof that what happened on the road was intentional. I’m not sure how, since no one got close enough to my car to mess with the brakes, but there’s no way this, on top of everything else, could be a coincidence.
I don’t want Sarah to have to hear that. Not now. Not when the memories of the accident are so fresh. Not when she’s sitting on my couch looking so small and vulnerable it makes my heart ache and everything in me is desperate to protect her.
But it’s her life. She has the right to know.
Just as I’m about to open the door, I turn back to Sarah. “If it gets to be too much, just tell me. We can take a break at any time.”
She lifts her chin and sets her shoulders. “I’ve heard some pretty awful things in my work. I think I can handle this.”