But then she sits back down, this time on my lap, and everything inside me settles. “You’re right,” she says softly, “guilt is a tricky thing. Even when we know it’s not our fault, it’s hard to let go of it.”

Emotion thickens my throat. “I’m sorry I messed up our date. It was supposed to be romantic, and I brought up all this?—”

“No.” Sarah frames my face with her hands. “You didn’t mess it up. Itisromantic. And talking like this—it’s important. If we’re going to have a future together, we need to be able to talk about everything.”

“Do you see a future together?”

Her lips curve up, and she leans closer to me, her lips a whisper away from mine. “Yes. Do you?”

The pulse at her neck flutters. Spots of pink rise in her cheeks.

“Yes.” Just before I slant my mouth over hers, I murmur, “Iabsolutelycan see a future with you.”



This is the best date I’ve ever been on by far.

A romantic dinner in a restaurant reserved just for us? Gorgeous flowers at the table waiting for me? The most incredible food that I’ll be dreaming about for weeks? Not just fun, easy conversations, but ones that actually mean something? And Dante saying he sees a future with me?

I’m not sure how it could get any better.

Wait. It can. Because not only did my very sweet and thoughtful boyfriend—is he my boyfriend? We haven’t talked about it, but it feels like he is—plan this incredible date for me, but I also get to see him in a suit.

And Dante in a suit issomething.

His white button-down pops against the gold of his skin, tucked into tailored pants that are belted around a trim waist and flat stomach, which I now know has not just a six-pack, but eight. The deep slate color of his suit brings out the blue in his eyes, and his jacket fits perfectly, showing off his broad shoulders and very impressive biceps.

Dante in regular clothes is already incredibly handsome. But Dante all dressed up? I can’t take my eyes off him.

Yes, I saw him in a suit at Hanna’s wedding, but that was different. I couldn’t allow myself to see him that way. But now that he’s mine…

“Did I mention how beautiful you are?” Dante tugs me to a gentle stop right before we leave the restaurant. Turning me to face him, he cups my cheek and looks at me with an intensity that makes my heart leap. “You’re stunning, Sarah. I just wanted to make sure I said it.”

My lips curve up. “You did. When you picked me up at the apartment. And again before we got in the car. And a few times since we got here.”

“Well.” He dips his head to kiss me, brushing his lips across mine. “I don’t think I can say it too many times. You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.”

“That’s not true.” Even as I say it, my cheeks heat. “I’m okay looking, but…” I don’t want to point out that the Blade and Arrow guys all have gorgeous partners, particularly Jade, who looks like an actual model.

“Hun.” Dante pulls me against him, and I can feel his arousal prodding my stomach. His eyes darken until they’re nearly black. “You are notokaylooking. Everything about you is beautiful. Your eyes remind me of a forest at sunset. Your hair is the most amazing color, and it’s so soft I can’t stop wanting to touch it.”

As he wraps a tendril of my hair around his finger, he continues in the same earnest tone, “I love your body, Sarah. You’re small, but strong, and your curves… I think about them all the time. Your lips—” He kisses me again, first lightly nipping my lower lip, and then placing a quick peck on my nose. “Your cute little nose?—”


Warmth is blossoming inside me, filling me with joy.



“Do you think… you might want to stay over tonight?”

His face stills, and he stares at me for a second before answering. “There’s no rush, Sarah.”

“I know. But—” Anxiety tries to worm its way in, but I push it away. “It doesn’t feel rushed. It feels like… I want you next to me in bed. I want to see you first thing in the morning. Unless… you don’t want to.”