Now I’m flopped on the couch, staring blankly at the Netflix menu and feeling sorry for myself, which is something I’ve been trying to avoid since this whole mess with the identity theft started.
Just a few hours. I’ll give myself this morning to wallow in misery, and then I’ll get my act together. Look for some part-time work that I can do remotely. Maybe go for a jog around the property. And practice myeverything is fine and last night never happenedface so when I inevitably run into Dante, he won’t have to feel uncomfortable around me.
But when there’s a knock at the front door, my hopelessly stubborn heart gives a little leap.
Maybe it’s Dante coming to talk.
Maybe he was just surprised last night, and he really did want to kiss me.
When I open the app Matt installed on my phone and pull up the video from the camera mounted outside the door, my heart drops.
It’s not Dante. It’s Jade grinning up at the camera, looking incredibly bright-eyed and chipper after what I know was a long night of celebrating. I could hear the music and laughter floating across the yard until well past two A.M., and of course, I wondered if Dante had gone back out there to spend more time with his friends.
As much as I’d like to keep hibernating, I’m a guest at Blade and Arrow, and really shouldn’t be ignoring one of the people who lives here. And based on the time I’ve spent with Jade, not only is she a lovely person, but she also did me a huge favor by going over to my apartment yesterday morning with Niall to pack up some of my belongings.
Before they went, I tried to argue I could do it myself. But Dante pulled me aside and said in that gentle way he has, “If you really want to go, Sarah, we won’t stop you. But I’m worried it’ll upset you. Trigger some bad memories. We’ll get it all cleaned up and then you can go over there. Does that sound alright?”
He looked so sweet and concerned, of course I agreed. Then he rubbed my shoulder and said everything was going to be okay and he distracted me from thinking about my cozy apartment all trashed by humming the chorus toThe Wind Beneath My Wings.
Ugh. Stop thinking about how great Dante is.
I shove aside thoughts of protective, kind, and handsome Dante as I haul myself off the couch and head over to the door. As I fumble with the three different complicated locks, I call through the door, “Hang on, I’m just trying to get it open!”
Jade’s laugh comes across the video feed. “No worries. It still takes me ages to unlock all of them and I’ve lived here for months.”
When I finally get the door open, I step back to let Jade inside. Forcing a cheerful tone, I say, “Thanks for having me at your party last night. I really enjoyed it.”
She follows me into the apartment, shutting the door behind her. As her gaze sweeps around the living room, I inwardly cringe at the pile of blankets piled on the couch and the tissue box on the coffee table with several crumpled tissues around it—I didn’t cry, exactly, but a few self-pitying tears may have squeezed out.
“Sorry. It’s kind of a mess,” I start.
“It’s fine.” Jade gives me a kind smile. “First off, youjustmoved in here. And it’s not a mess at all.” She glances at the TV. “It looks like you were about to watch a movie. Did I interrupt?”
“No, I couldn’t find something to watch.” Sinking down on the couch, I shove the mountain of blankets aside and gesture for her to take a seat.
“Oh, I know. I feel like the more choices there are, the harder it is to pick.” After a moment, she adds, “Dante said you love tearjerkers. And romances.” Her lips quirk. “In fact, I heard you got him to watchBeaches.”
My stomach squinches into a little ball. But I force a smile. “Yes. It was really nice of him to keep me company while I watched it.”
Jade’s expression slides into something more serious. “Danteisone of the nicest guys I know. But…”
After another pause, Jade says, “I’ve known Niall since I was eighteen. And I was half in love with him from the start. I never knew he felt the same, not until recently. He thought he was doing the right thing, keeping me at a distance while he was active duty. He thought I’d worry more, or that he’d hold me back from finding a man who could be around all the time.”
Her features soften with affection. “Men can be so clueless sometimes. I never stopped worrying about him. And I never found a man who even came close to Niall.”
“But it all worked out.”
“It did.” Jade smiles. “And while part of me wishes we’d gotten together a long time ago, I think everything happened as it was meant to.”
I have a sneaking suspicion where she’s going with this, and maybe Jade got an idea from seeing Dante and I together at the party, but she’s missing a huge part of the equation—the moment when I kissed Dante and he pulled away.
“Well.” Her tone pitches up. “I really just came by to see how you’re doing. And to invite you over tonight, if you’re up for it. Niall is leaving today for a security job in Houston, and he’s going to be gone for a few days. I was thinking we could drink wine, get a bunch of cheese and chocolate, and watch a movie or two.”
Part of me wants to keep hiding and nursing my wounds. But that’s the exact opposite of what I’d suggest to any of my clients, and I know darn well that sitting home moping isn’t a good idea. So I say, “That sounds nice. I can make something to bring over. Little taquitos? Mini tacos? Or if you want dessert, I can make cookies or brownies.”