His gaze is so certain it’s impossible not to believe him. Gut and heart in agreement, I reply softly, “I know.”
“Sarah—” He stops, swallowing back whatever he was about to say. For a few seconds, we walk down the hallway in silence. As we pass the door I remember leading to Dante’s apartment, a pang of regret stabs into me.
I wish I could be visiting Dante for a normal reason. I wish I was coming over to make dinner and watch a movie with him, and maybe we’d cuddle on the couch and I could feel what it would be like to kiss him.
But instead, we keep going until Dante stops in front of a door with a little welcome sign hanging from it. “Jade insisted,” he explains, gesturing to the sign. “She said she wants people to feel welcome here. Since she had to stay at B and A for protection, and she remembers how intimidating it was in the beginning. Not now, of course, since she’s with Niall, and she knows all of us…”
Dread is expanding inside me as the reality of my situation sinks in.
In a matter of minutes, I’m going to be in that apartment alone.
No Dante to make me feel better. Just me, alone with my thoughts.
I’ve never minded being alone before. As a kid, I liked escaping to my room, getting away from the controlled chaos of the restaurant. When I got tired of the constant chatter of customers, I’d retreat to my bedroom, where I’d listen to music, read, and shut the rest of the world out.
As an adult, I like the peaceful times after work, when I can decompress after a particularly stressful day. I enjoy snuggling up with a book and a glass of wine and appreciating the silence.
But right now, I don’t want to be alone.
It’s not that I just want just any company, either. I want Dante to stay with me.
“Jade and Niall came in and stocked the fridge,” Dante says. “And Jade left some clothes for you to borrow until we can get your things from your apartment tomorrow. We have most of the streaming channels, and there’s a laptop for you to use, and?—”
He stops. His brow furrows as he looks at me, and his lips thin into an unhappy line. “Sarah…”
I swallow against the lump in my throat. “I’ll be fine.”
But it would be more convincing if my voice wasn’t quivering.
Indecision flickers in his eyes, but it disappears just as quickly. In a gruff voice, he says, “No. Not yet.” Then he turns away from the door, guiding me back in the direction we came.
My voice rises in confusion. “Dante? Am I not staying here anymore?”
He glances at me.“You haven’t eaten. It’s way past dinnertime. And I bet you didn’t eat lunch, either.”
“Um. No. I guess I forgot.”
We’re back at his door, where he punches in another complicated code into the keypad attached to the doorknob. “It’s not healthy, Sarah. You’ll get sick.” As the door opens, he leads me inside, his arm still solidly wrapped around my waist.
“I can make something,” I start.
“No. Not after today. It’s too much. Let me make you something. So you don’t have to worry about it. We can have dinner, and if you want to watch some TV after, and…” Trailing off, his expression shifts from determined to uncertain. “Unless you want to go back to the apartment. Have some time alone.”
“No.” It bursts out louder than I intended. More quietly, I add, “I’d like to stay for dinner. And TV. If you don’t mind. I know I’ve already taken up your whole night, and you were supposed to be off?—”
Dante turns me into his chest and hugs me. His chin rests on my head, and his breath feathers across my hair. Gruffly, he says, “Of course I don’t mind. And you’re not taking up anything. I want you here. For as long as you want to stay.”
My heart jumps.
But I’m sure he doesn’t mean it that way. He’s just being kind.
I think.
“Do you want to shower while I cook?” Dante asks. “I can go over to the apartment and grab something Jade left for you. Or I can lend you something.” He steps back to look at me, a small smile appearing. “Although any shirt I give you would look more like a dress. But I have plenty of sweatshirts and maybe some shorts with a drawstring…”
While I’m sure Jade left me something that would fit better, I don’t hesitate as I answer, “I can wear something of yours. If that’s okay?”
“It’s absolutely okay.” His smile gets bigger. “I’ll find some things for you to choose from and leave them in the bedroomwhile you’re showering. And I’ll start cooking something for us to eat. Is there anything you’re in the mood for?”