Everyone’s set up again, with plates, forks, and allvarieties of pie from pecan to apple to pumpkin. The well-appointed Christmas tree presides over us, its twinkling lights heralding holiday cheer. It’s all so much happiness that I nearly run off. But something in Wilder’s tone—just sit with us—has me pulling out a chair and sitting my ass down.
I’ve just picked up a fork when Wilder clears his throat and says,“The pecan pie is a cherished family recipe…”
Oh. There’s a pie toast? Fabulous. I’ll have to fakeI’m finefor even longer.
Then Leo interrupts his friend, taking over the toast. “Speaking of cherished family things…”
Then, my sister’s boyfriend pushes back in his chair, rises, and comes around to my little sister. The hair on the back of my neck prickles. My heart skitters.
Leo drops to one knee.
Charlotte gasps. I gasp.
“Charlotte Calloway,” Leo begins, reaching into his pocket, “you are the love of my life.”
Oh. My. God.
He’s proposing to my sister, who’s madly in love with him and has been since the day she walked into his home. My eyes well with tears as he tells Charlotte how much he loves her, adores her, and admires her. He pops open a box with a stunning vintage ring inside, then says, “This was my grandmother’s cherished ring, and I would be so honored if you’d wear it and be my wife.”
My heart climbs into my throat.
“Leo, you had me atwill you decorate my home,” Charlotte says, her voice breaking with happiness. She wraps her arms around him in the most romantic embrace I’ve ever seen.
Tears stream down my cheeks—mostly for her, but some for me. My baby sister is getting married. It’s almostenough to wipe away the images of Brady getting his dick sucked just moments ago.
“Kiss the bride!” someone calls out.
Someone very familiar. Someone who just utteredcomingin the wrapping room.
My chest burns. Are you kidding me? Brady’s hooting for his cousin already? He doesn’t even have the decency to shut the fuck up?
I can’t believe I dated him. Of course I don’t blame my sister—though she introduced me to him at a dinner party she and Leo hosted four months ago, saying she wanted me to meet Leo’s cousin, who’sso friendly.
She didn’t force me to go out with him. I made that dumb choice on my own.
I refuse to look his way, staring instead at Wilder’s daughter, who’s taking pictures with a real camera. Is that a little pocket Nikon? I had no idea his daughter was into photography. Most kids—most people—can’t handle a regular camera in our cell phone world. But the kid is a natural, positioned in just the right place, snapping the proposal photos like a pro. It’s kind of adorable that Wilder’s kid is taking the pics.
Once the photos are done, Leo whispers something in Charlotte’s ear, and she beams, then nods enthusiastically.
They turn to the table, and my big-hearted, kind, talented sister says to me, “Will you be my maid of honor, Fable? It would mean the world.”
I never knew it was possible to be elated and angry all at once—but I suppose you just take one heartfelt moment and add a dash of a dickhead ex. Voila. Instant cocktail of emotions. “Like I’d let you have anyone else,” I say, my heart swelling with love for her even as my blood boils over Brady.
Then sweet, devoted Leo turns to Wilder. “And you’ve been like a brother to me my whole life. Will you be the best man?”
“I’m there,” Wilder says, cool and steady.
Under the table, I cross my fingers.
Please let them have just a best man and maid of honor. Let the madness stop there. Pretty please.
But Leo turns to Brady next and says to his cousin, “And you have to be a groomsman, Brady.”
“You know it, dude,” Brady says, giving him some sort of bro-knock.
Kill me now.
When Brady puts his hand down, he waggles his eyebrows at Wilder. “We’ll have to move upthat little stock talk.”