For some reason, that last part makes me laugh the hardest. Maybe because Wilder even included gift-wrapping in his sneak attack shopping spree.
When I stop in the vintage shop to pick up a jacket that Maeve has been eyeing, the same song plays over again at the register.
As we leave, I ask, “How did he even know where we were going?”
But then I realize what must have happened right as Charlotte says, “Leo.”
Charlotte told Leo, then he must have mentioned it to Wilder, and then Wilder went ahead and covered our entire Christmas shopping trip.
Talk about thoughtful.
When we’re done, and laden with gold and silver bags, stuffed with beautifully wrapped gifts, I feel a little bit like I’m in another world. Shocked by what the man did. But also, I feel…frothy.
And special.
Something I’ve never really felt before either.
Charlotte’s Lyft pulls up outside the last shop. She stops before opening the door to the black sedan.
“Want to share? I can add a stop.”
We live in opposite directions, so I wave her off. “Mine will be here any minute.”
She blows me a kiss. “Love you. You’re the best. Sorry I freaked out this morning about the shower, sorry aboutBrady, sorry about everything. But I’m not sorry you have a hot new man who loves to spoil you!”
She waves and disappears into the car. As it peels off, I whisper,I don’t have a hot new man.
A pang of longing for what I don’t have digs into my chest, but I do my best to ignore it. It’s selfish to feel any sort of loss right now as I carry bags of gifts my fake boyfriend surprised me by paying for.
Besides, I need to thank Wilder for this wildly unexpected gift. Then focus on making it through seeing my awful ex nonstop the week of the wedding, showing that jerk how a woman should be treated, and in the meantime—all the time—saving for my new business.
Funny though, how Wilder already showed me tonight how a man should treat a woman.
My smile won’t disappear. I stare down at the bags once more. This was just so…wonderfully extra. I take out my phone to thank him as I head to the bus stop a block away. I didn’t really order a Lyft. I don’t need to spend extra money on cars.
When I reach the stop, I open my texts.
He replies a minute later.
Wilder: I trust you had a good evening.
Fable: Seriously! THANK YOU! I can’t believe you did that! That was above and beyond the brief.
Wilder: Disagree. It’s exactly what a fake boyfriend should do.
Right. He’s fake boyfriending. Of course that’s what he’s doing. And while it is above and beyond, it’s also for show. I need to remember that. Still, I thank him one more time. Because that’s what a good fake girlfriend should do.
Fable: And it was so thoughtful and I’m so very grateful. I truly appreciate it. How can I thank you?
Wilder: You just did.
Ha. Is that an emoticon? I guess that’s my thank-you since I’m pretty sure the man has never used one in his life. And I suppose I’ll have to take him at face value—that my thank-you was enough.
Fable: I hope I’m as good a fake girlfriend as you are a fake boyfriend.
Wilder: You’rewonderful, Fable.