“That is how things have always been done,” Lady Candra snapped. “You know this.”
“Then why issheup there?”
Everyone turned to look up at her now. Heirs shifted uncomfortably in their seats. The Sources tensed, elements stirring around them as they prepared to protect their bonded.
“Sheshould not even be here,” the Serafina Lady finally said, breaking the silence that had descended.
“You believe she should be in my seat?” Lord Jove asked, his power slithering out from him.
While Tessa’s power wound around her like a lover, the Lord’s power seeped out like Theon’s darkness did. It slowly made its way in Luka’s direction, and Tessa tensed. Her own power pressed at her, and she couldn’t tell if it was seeking out its own likeness or if it was seeking to protect.
Luka, however, didn’t seem fazed. He never did, and it drove her mad. The gods themselves could come back to Devram, and Luka Mors would act as if he didn’t have two fucks to give.
“Is she not more powerful than you?” Luka asked.
“No,” Lord Jove answered immediately.
Luka only shrugged.
A godsdamn shrug to the Achaz Lord, the unofficial ruler of the realm.
“I assure you she is not,” Rordan added, his power still growing.
“You are certain?” the Anala Lady asked, her red-gold hair glimmering in the light of Rordan’s power.
“Of course,” he answered.
“Then you have ascertained her entire lineage?” Lady Aithne pressed.
“She is clearly an Achaz Legacy,” the Celeste Lady snapped.
“Is she?” the Falein Lady asked. “The powers we have witnessed suggest she is more than that, and we have been told repeatedly that Rordan does not know her full lineage. Has that changed?”
“I have told you I am making progress on that front,” the Lord retorted, his power pausing in its path to Luka and now veering towards Lady Farhan.
“And yet you have not shared any new information since convincing us she should be separated from the Arius Heir,” the Anala Lady cut in. “Is that not why we are here, Rordan? The Arius Heir was making more progress than you are.”
“No one has given me a chance to speak. We have only just taken our seats,” Lord Jove bit out.
“Then speak,” Lady Aithne said, her voice too calm with the flames that flickered in her golden eyes.
They seemed to have forgotten Luka and why he was here instead of Axel, but Tessa hadn’t. Now she was more annoyed than ever that he was here because he had put the focus directly on her. It likely would have found its way to her eventually. The purpose of this meeting, from what she understood,wasto discuss her remaining in the Achaz Kingdom. But Luka had wasted no time in reminding everyone she was not what she was supposed to be.
Too wild.
Too impulsive.
Too much of a hassle.
Tessa pushed off the railing, Mother Cordelia’s words finding her even here. She’d heard no word of the Estate Mother since the female had tried to turn her over to the Augury. She was never mentioned in the conversations she was a part of or overheard. It was as if she had just…disappeared.
“How can you be sure it is her mother’s line that is Achaz blood? Do you know the identity of her mother?”
The Falein Lady’s voice carried up to her, and Tessa stilled, only just now realizing she was pacing. Her bare feet were quiet on the marble floor, her shoes discarded on a nearby chair. The gown she wore was a gold velvet, the winter months having finally come in full force, leaving snow on the ground that stuck. But the fitted bodice and long sleeves of the dress were making her hot up here on the balcony. She hadn’t even wanted to wear this thing today. It was impractical. Leggings and a sweater sounded divine, but Oralia had claimed this would be the wiser option if she insisted on attending this hearing. The female had made it as clear as Dex had what her opinions were on Tessa being here today. For some reason known only to the gods that hated this realm, Oralia had been appointed to serve her.
AFaewas servingher.