“Axel,” she clarified, finally looking at him. “Is he why you agreed to leave the book behind? You believe he would be upset with you because you think I am someone he cares for?”

“Youaresomeone Axel cares for. It’s why he left,” Theon said.

“You don’t leave someone you care for,” she said, her tone hardening. “There is nothing logical in that statement.”

“We do leave if it means the safety of someone we love,” Theon countered. “But to answer your question, no, I did not do that for Axel.”

“Then why?”

“I guess…” Theon pulled on the back of his neck. “We’ve spent a lot of time together these past months. Researching and trying to find Axel. I consider you— I mean, I hope we are some kind of…”

“Friends,” she finished for him. “You consider us friends.”

Did he? Was that what this was? For so long, it had just been him and Luka and Axel. Everyone else was someone to be used to further his own agenda, or someone who wanted to use him to further theirs.

“Yes,” he finally answered. “I think I do.”

She smiled softly. “In that case, thank you, Theon. Can you wait here a moment?”

He nodded, and she made her way to the nightstand. When she returned, she held a book in her hand. The same one where they’d found information about the twin flame bond.

“Can you give this to Razik?” she asked. “I’m sure he is upset about not stealing the other book from the Ekayan Island. He will be able to decipher things faster than I will. I only request that I get it back when you have finished with it.”

“Of course,” Theon said, taking the book from her. “Do you need anything else tonight?”

She smiled again. “No, I think I just need some rest.”

“If you need anything, though, know that Axel didn’t leave you alone.”

Her smile faltered. “I appreciate that, Theon.”

“You know where to find me,” he added.

“Yes, thank you,” she whispered.

He left her alone in her room, not wanting to make it any more awkward. Stopping at Razik and Eliza’s room, he knockedand waited. It was Razik who answered. Theon said nothing, only held up the book Kat had given to him. Razik didn’t say anything either. He only stepped to the side to allow him entry.

“Eliza has retired for the evening,” Razik said, shutting the door behind them.

“That’s fine. I was checking on Katya, and she said we could borrow this,” Theon replied, holding out the book.

Razik took it, flipping through the pages. “It has information not readily found here.”

“I figured,” Theon said, helping himself to the alcohol cart in the room. “Want one?”

Razik grunted an agreement, and Theon poured another glass before carrying one over to him. He took a seat in an armchair while Razik took the sofa. Placing the book on the low table, he continued to flip through it while sipping on his drink. Theon grabbed another book, doing the same. It wasn’t like he’d get any sleep anyway. The moment Luka had Traveled and returned to Tessa, her shield had been back in place. At least he’d given Luka an update on Roan to deliver to her.

“So you and Eliza share a Source bond and a twin flame bond,” Theon said after a good hour had passed.

“Yes,” Razik said, not looking up from the page he was reading.

“Essentially that is the same as our Source Marks, no?”

That had the male slowly raising his head. “Outside of the fact that such Marks are forced upon the Fae here, they are altered from their original intention. There is a cost for that. You don’t mess with blood magic, and yet that’s all Devram appears to have done.”

“I can agree with that statement,” Theon said. “But could others have done the same somewhere else? With other bonds?”

“Other bonds?” Razik repeated.