“I gave Kat hers,” Eliza answered.

“Then let’s do that. Right now.”

“Axel, you can think about it first,” Kat cut in.

“There’s nothing to think about, kitten,” he answered, bending to press a kiss to her brow. “We’ll figure the rest out later.”

He turned back to Eliza, who was already holding a scion. “Left hand,” she said impatiently.

Axel held out his hand, his eyes fixed on Katya the entire time. “So when this is done, I’ll be able to feel her emotions and hear her thoughts?”

“And sense her physical location,” Razik answered while Eliza worked. “The bond itself is pretty instantaneous, but it strengthens once the Trials are completed and the bond is Anointed.”

“How long does that take?”

“Each pair is unique. Some complete the Trials within a year or two. Others take longer. The Fates decide,” he said.

When he felt the scion pass over the same spot for the fifth time, Axel finally looked at his hand.

Where there was nothing.

“What’s wrong?” Axel asked.

Eliza’s brow was furrowed in concentration as she pulled the scion across the back of his hand again, Axel gritting his teeth against the burn. “I don’t know,” Eliza said. She looked over her shoulder at Razik. “Why isn’t it working?”

He leaned forward to see before rubbing at his jaw. “I don’t know. Twin flames are rare enough, we don’t know everything about them. There’s not a lot of texts about them, and certainly not in this realm. But I can see what I can find.”

“Thank you, Razik,” Kat said. When Axel started to protest, she reached out and squeezed his hand. “We have time, Axel. Let them see what they can find.”

He didn’t like it, but he didn’t have much of a choice.

“We’ll let you know as soon as we find something,” Eliza said before she and Razik filed out of the room.

He turned to face Kat fully, taking her all in. Her dark hair already coiled tight as it dried. Her amber eyes, tired but bright. Her warm skin. He winced when his gaze slid to her throat. There was no scarring—not even a faint mark—but he knew what he’d done. That was enough.

“Will you sit with me?” she asked, noting his stare.

He should say no. He didn’t know if it would set him off or not, but just like the moment he first laid eyes on her, he couldn’t deny the pull. It was a need to touch her. To pull her close. To know she was safe.

His to have.

His to protect.

His to love.

He climbed onto the bed next to her, and she immediately snuggled up to him. Her head rested on his chest, her damp hair seeping into his shirt.

“Are you upset?” she asked quietly.

“Upset?” Axel repeated. “What would I be upset about?”

“The babe.”

“Are you…” He paused, using his finger to tip her chin up. “Are you asking if I’m upset you are pregnant?”


“You know it took two to fuck and make that child, right?”