“By the gods,” Tessa muttered, following him inside. He was waiting, and while he did something to make the panel close behind them, she lifted a hand, letting light pool there.

Brecken eyed the magic when he slipped past her. “Don’t lose control in here, Tessa. There’s not much room for me to survive.”

“Fuck off, Brecken,” she sneered, kicking off her heels and leaving them by the door before she followed after him.

The first few minutes were fine, but the longer they were in the passage and the lower she descended, the more effort each step took. The more each breath was difficult to take. The more her heart raced. The more?—

Breathe, baby girl,came Luka’s voice down the bond.

Where are you? We can be there in seconds with Luka’s Traveling,echoed Theon.

You can’t just drop everything and come find me, she scoffed, letting them distract her with conversation.

Tessa, if you think I won’t leave the meeting I’m in right now to find you and spill the blood of anyone who got in my way,you’re underestimating what I mean when I say I protect what is mine,Theon answered.

I’m not yours.

The Mark on your hand says you are.

If that’s your argument, then you belong to me, Theon,she retorted.

I never claimed otherwise, little storm.

Well, that was something she didn’t want to think about right now.

Tell me about the Dreamlock Woods,she said, keeping her eyes fixed on Brecken’s back as he led her along.

There was a long pause before Theon said,Tessa, where are you?

The Sirana Villas,Luka answered when she didn’t.

No one asked you,she bit out.

I’m part of this now whether you like it or not.

For now.

There was another long pause before Theon said,What does that mean?

Exactly what I said. This is all for now. I’ll find a way to free myself from you, from Luka, from the entire realm.

I’ll always come for you, Tessa,Theon answered.

Until the day you can no longer find me.

With that, she shoved them out, stacking her mental shields back into place. Brecken had opened a door, daylight filling the passage and guiding her to the outdoors. He hadn’t been lying. This was clearly behind the manor. The large house cast a shadow over the area where they now stood. Looking back, she found a small brick cottage where they’d emerged, and in front of them were two two-story villas nearly identical to the ones in the courtyard.

Except these didn’t have the open arches.

These didn’t have any windows at all.

They were just ivory buildings with climbing roses. She couldn’t even see a door to enter.

“Brecken?” she asked uncertainly.

“This way,” was all he said, setting off again.