She couldn’t exactly argue with that fact. Thathadbeen her argument for getting him to agree to her coming here.
“Well, in that case, thank you for doing so,” she replied with a smile.
Rordan patted her arm before releasing her as they stepped inside the manor. It was much warmer in here, and several Fae instantly appeared to take their coats. Her soft gold sweater was almost too warm inside. She was hoping they’d take their shoes off, but she had no such luck there.
“I had some pastries and sandwiches wrapped for you to take on your tour along with some beverages,” Desiray said while small bags were passed to Dex and Brecken. “My daughter, Larissa, will escort you.”
A female appeared, nearly identical to her mother. She was a touch shorter, her hair a lighter shade of brown, but other than that, it was clear they were related. Tessa suddenly wondered who Desiray’s Match was.
“I can show you around the manor first before we go to other areas of the Villas,” Larissa said, her tone as sultry as her mother’s.
“That would be great,” Tessa said tightly.
It took nearly an hour before she was led back out to the courtyard and the surrounding four villas. Legacy came and went, Fae greeting them outside the villas before disappearing inside the buildings.
“Are we going to go indoors?” Tessa asked.
“Are you cold?” Dex asked. “There are gloves in your coat pockets.”
“No. I am not cold,” she retorted, fingers curling into the coat she had put on again before leaving the manor. “I simply wish to see inside them.”
Larissa and Dex exchanged glances before Larissa said, “There is truly nothing exciting inside.”
“I find that hard to believe.”
“Tessa, remember we are guests here,” Dex chided.
“And remember that I am no longer one of you nor beneath you,” she snapped in response, her power shuddering in her bones, stretching and yawning.
“I wasn’t implying that,” Dex argued. “I was merely stating you are being rude, and you shouldn’t be difficult.”
Tessa rolled her lips, her magic doing more than stretching now.
“Not be so difficult,” she repeated.
“Yes,” Dex snapped.
“Not be so impulsive.”
“Not be so wild and uncontrollable.”
“Yes, Tessalyn,” he sighed in irritation.
“Dex, man,” Brecken warned. “This isn’t accomplishing what you think it is.”
“Tell you what,Dexter,” Tessa said. “You and Larissa can stay out here. I’ll head inside and warm up a little.”
“Tessa, wait,” Dexter started.
“No,” she said simply, the bands of light at her wrists flaring and sparks of energy flying in all directions.
“Tessa, this wasn’t agreed to with Rordan or Desiray,” Dex tried again, reaching for her but halting when his gaze dropped to her wrists.
“Rordan?” she repeated. “You are now on a first name basis with the Achaz Lord?”
“No, I…”