“They are spelled to make you immune to the effects,” Dex answered. “Otherwise, you’ll find yourself in a room with another within the hour. Probably faster for you.”

Actually, that didn’t soundterrible, even if Dex had just essentially called her a whore.

Her gaze wandered back to the waiting sentinel. Light brown hair just long enough to run your fingers through. Muscled from training for his position. A light layer of scruff along his jaw.

Put the fucking ring on, Temptress,came a growl down the bond and not from the male she’d expected it to come from.

These fucking shields.

And this fucking bond.

She snatched the ring from Brecken’s hand, sliding it onto her pointer finger. Brecken arched a brow at her sudden change in demeanor, and she took her glove back, slipping it back on her hand.

“You’ll be more comfortable with it on,” Rordan said reassuringly. “Shall we?”

Tessa nodded, stepping through the gates at his side, while his Source followed a step behind.

A somewhat narrow path greeted them, only wide enough for three people to walk side by side. Towering trees kept them corralled on the path, and with a start she realized they were no longer on the edge of the Dreamlock Woods, but entering them. Why would they put the Villasinthe Dreamlock Woods? Where it was said dreams became nightmares that hunted you? Where it was said creatures lived that couldn’t be found anywhere else in the realm?

“It’s fine, Tessa,” Dagian murmured in a low tone, and it was only then she realized she’d drawn closer to him. “You’re scarier than anything you’ll find in here.”

She wasn’t entirely sure about that when Dagian had been the one to torture her in these woods during an assessment vision, but nevertheless, she straightened and let her power linger around her. She saw Dagian glance at her sidelong, but he didn’t say anything else.

Staying close to the others, the path eventually emptied into a large courtyard, and she was able to take in the Villas around her. She nearly tripped over her own feet. Although, that was likely due more to the cobblestones they were walking on. Actual cobblestones. Stepping beyond those gates was almost like stepping into another realm.

There were no vehicles in here. Only people walking within the large courtyard. In the center was a tall statue of Sirana, her figure impossible to mistake with those curves, full breasts, and long hair. Of course, she was also nude. The Villas themselves surrounded the courtyard. They were three stories tall with open hallways. The arches, railings, and columns were ivory with pink roses climbing everything. There were four distinct Villas, all connected by walkways with the same arches and railings, but instead of entering any of them, they walked under one of the walkways, moving further into the woods.

When they emerged on the other side, Tessa stopped in her tracks. Because beyond the Villas was a sprawling manor house. Smooth ivory with the same pink roses everywhere, the doorways were all arched with gold detailing on the doors themselves that matched the gates. The manor was six stories tall, and from the balcony at the top, Tessa knew one would be able to see everything in the Villas.

A Legacy was descending the steps as they approached. Despite the winter season, she still wore a dress, her long legs visible from the deep slits up the sides with every step she took. The dress may have had long sleeves, but the wide scooping neckline still left golden tan skin on display with ample amounts of cleavage. Her shiny brown hair reached her ass, even with the loose curls. Her brown doe eyes were stunning, and her full lips even made Tessa wonder what it would be like to taste them.

“My Lord,” she said in a sensual lilt that Tessa felt all the way to the tips of her toes. Bowing low, she added, “Welcome back.”

“Thank you, as always, Desiray,” Rordan answered warmly, taking the hand she extended in both of his and squeezing it. “As you are aware, we have an extra guest with us today. Tessalyn, this is Desiray. She oversees the Sirana Villas as well as Rosebell. Desiray, meet Tessalyn Ausra.”

“The one the realm is all abuzz about,” she purred, those big eyes sweeping over her. “Such a pretty thing you are. Your offspring will be stunning provided you have the right partner.”

“Um…thank you?” Tessa said, resisting the urge to shift uncomfortably.

“And that power,” she added, a thread of excitement in her tone as her eyes flicked to Dagian. “Do you have a Match contract, my dear?”

“All in good time,” Rordan said with a chuckle, but his words had Tessa tensing. He’d never once mentioned a Match contract to her.

“When the time comes?” Desiray pushed.

“You’ll be the first to know as always,” he answered. “But that is not the purpose of this visit.”

“Of course,” she said, turning and sweeping up the steps. “Come with me. I had a light meal prepared while we discuss business.”

“And the tour for Tessa?”

“Arranged per your request,” she added.

Tessa’s brows arched. Another thing she’d been unaware of.

“That isn’t necessary,” Tessa said, trying to make sure she didn’t trip while walking up the stairs. “I am perfectly fine to join you for a meal.”

“Don’t be silly,” Rordan said, gently taking her arm when she stumbled on a step anyway. “You said you wanted to see the Villas since you’ve never been here before. I arranged for that.”