His soul was empty.
Maybe Bree's request wouldn't be terrible. In fact, the longer he lay here, the more he had trouble remembering whyhe shouldn't take it. He wouldn't have to hide anymore. He wouldn't have to struggle with the cravings. His father wouldn't be able to use his weakness to control him.
Another drop of blood.
It was so pretty against the rich brown of the mahogany wall.
Her blood would be prettier.
Her hair was shinier with those ebony curls that reflected the light.
Why had he been avoiding this for her? Bree would find her, and she could come with him.
A kitten and a monster.
It was a perfect balance.
He smiled to himself as he watched another drop of blood trickle down the wall.
She would come to him, and he wouldn't be empty anymore.
Another drop.
Just a little longer.
That was what he told himself as he rose from the bed and tried to catch that drop of blood.
And again.
And again.
Luka snatched his phone off the side table, looking to make sure the vibration that alerted him to the incoming message hadn’t woken Tessa. She’d fallen asleep against his shoulder an hour ago, and he’d eventually eased her down to a pillow resting against his thigh. He’d let her sleep, knowing she likely hadn’t slept decently since the last time she’d been in his bed. Idly, he wondered if now that she’d agreed to train with him, if that meant she’d be seeking out his bed more often. He ignored how much his dragon liked that idea as he flipped the phone over and saw who the message was from.
Theon:Where are you?
Luka:Bedroom. She’s asleep on my sofa.
Theon:On my way. Living room?
Luka:Meet you there.
Despite the fact that theycouldcommunicate down the bond, neither of them chose to do so. There was something too intimate about it when it was just the two of them speaking. Itwas different when it involved Tessa, almost as if it needed to be the three of them for it to make sense.
Tessa's brow pinched in her sleep as he slid off the sofa, trying not to jostle her too much. He grabbed a plush blanket off the end of the bed and draped it over her before making his way to the living room. He left the door to the bedroom open. If she woke, he wanted to make damn sure she knew Theon was out here before she triggered the bargain. The bond would likely tell her, but he wasn't taking any chances.
The wards around his room alerted him a second before Theon came through the door. He looked as tired as Luka felt, and he assumed it was because no one was getting any sleep. He couldn't believe he was actually wishing they were all sleeping in that cramped small bed back at the townhouse.
"How is she?" Theon asked.
Luka shrugged. "She showered. She's getting some sleep. She agreed to train."
Theon arched a brow. "Really?"