Using a fluffy navy blue towel to dry off, she wrapped it around herself before stepping up to the vanity and swiping a palm along the surface. Violet eyes stared back at her, flecks of dull grey breaking through. Part of the second Mark was visible, peeking out from beneath the towel, and she traced a finger along it. She knew she should get back to Faven, but something about the familiarity of this place had her entire being settling after the events of the day. And could she really leave Roan here and go back without him? He’d been her companion since she’d gone to Faven to begin with. He had been her sense of normalcy there, had been what grounded her, and now he would be gone too.

Moving mechanically, she wandered through the doorway that led to a large closet. Suits and formal attire lined an entire wall, and she dragged her fingers along the sleeves until she came to the back wall. There was a larger dresser that spannedthe entirety of it, an odd assortment of empty frames were meticulously displayed across the top. She pulled open a shallow top drawer only to find more rings. Silver and gold, copper and platinum. The variety was vast. Different gems, different sizes. She picked up a gold band inlaid with sapphires and emeralds, turning it over in her hand before putting it back.

Pushing the drawer closed, she moved to the next wall. It was a smaller selection of clothing, but seemed to be more casual, and when she came across a hooded Chaosphere sweatshirt, she tugged it off the hanger and slipped it on. Of course it was huge on her, oversized and reaching to her knees. And it was the Firewings. That team was terrible. Not nearly as good as the Whirlwinds, even if they had beaten her team the last time she’d watched them play.

Unwrapping her hair, she hung her towels up before rummaging through drawers to find a brush or comb. When she finally emerged from the bathroom, she found Luka on the sofa, one foot propped on his coffee table. He was scrolling through something on his phone, and he glanced up at the door opening. His eyes went back to his phone before they immediately snapped back to her.

She paused, fingering the hem of the sweatshirt. “I didn’t have anything to wear.”

It took him a few seconds before he said, “You can wear that.”

“I still don’t understand how you can like the Firewings,” she added.

His lips twitched, some tension easing from his posture. “Theon sent a message that Shea is still working on Roan. Cienna and Gia are there now too.”

Tessa nodded, swallowing down the fresh tears threatening to pool.

“Do you want me to take you back down there?” Luka asked.

“No,” she said softly. “I think I am just in the way there.”

“You are never in the way, Tessa.”

She didn’t have a response to that as she shifted on her feet. “I’m not ready to leave. Not until I know he’ll make it.”

“We don’t have to leave until you’re ready,” he answered, setting his phone aside.


A silence fell over them that was awkward and strained until finally Luka said, “Come here and sit.”

She moved stiffly, her body feeling as if she’d done some strenuous activity today when in reality she’d done nothing but endanger a friend she loved.

That was all she could think about as she settled onto the sofa next to Luka. She needed the comfort of the bond right now.

Staring into the flickering flames trapped behind the glass, she said, “Luka?”


“I want you to train me. To fight like you and Theon. To control this power.” She paused before saying again, “I want you to train me.”

His arm came around her shoulders, and a jolt of pleasure shot down her limbs at the sensation. Pulling her a little closer so she nestled into his side, her temple fell to his shoulder, resting there as he said, “That’s my girl. We’ll start tomorrow.”



He watched the drop of blood slide down the wall. It was slow, leaving a red smear in its wake.

It wasn't dark here, just like Bree had promised. He was curled on his side on a soft bed, the comforter stuffed with feathers and pillows everywhere. It reminded him of the way Luka always arranged his bed, but he didn't really care about the luxury or the comfort. Not as another drop of blood followed the first.

He'd gotten up plenty of times to taste it. Tried to catch it on his finger. He'd even gone so far as to lick the godsdamn wall. It always disappeared. A figment of his imagination. After numerous attempts, he'd stopped trying. Now he'd been lying here for hours, tortured by visions. Was this how Tessa felt? At least her visions eventually became real in some way.

Another drop of blood came. Another. Another. Another.

He was empty.

His power wells were empty.